6 Sride Mid Mark Issues.

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6 Sride Mid Mark Issues.

Unread postby Chaebo » Fri Jul 05, 2013 10:45 am

I've been trying to adapt DJ's 6 stride mid mark into my coaching and I do see the great benefits of it. But, due to my lack of knowledge/understanding on how to properly use it I am still debating on whether or not to use is. Simply because I do not know enough about it to use it effectively. I have been trying to find the answers to my questions as well as e-mailing DJ (Which im sure he doesn't really have time for.) If some one could help me it would be greatly appreciated even if it were just to point me in the right direction.

My questions are as follows.
How do you calculate exactly where the mid mark should be.
How does stride length not effect the mid-point.
Would a vaulter who starts with his/her right foot be done differently than a vaulter who starts with his/her left foot. (Assuming they are both right handed)
If your step is off how do you tell that the vaulter didn't adjust his/her step out of the front rather than in the last few steps.

I'm sure i am forgetting a few but as they come back to me I'll keep posting them

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Re: 6 Sride Mid Mark Issues.

Unread postby CoachEric » Mon Jul 08, 2013 4:27 pm

1. How do you calculate exactly where the mid mark should be.

DJ's mid mark chart determines this for you. The mid mark is determined by grip height. Look on the chart for the vaulter's grip height, and use the corresponding 6 stride mid mark in the same row. For example, if the vaulter grips at 13'5", their mid should be at 45'. http://www.nacactfca.org/Johnston6stride.pdf

2. How does stride length not effect the mid-point.

Stride length and stride frequency are both a function of power. The beauty of the mid mark chart is that grip height is a surprisingly accurate measure of run speed (and therefore stride length). The mid mark is determined by stride length, and applied by grip height.

3. Would a vaulter who starts with his/her right foot be done differently than a vaulter who starts with his/her left foot. (Assuming they are both right handed)

For the purposes of the mid mark chart, it doesn't matter how they start their run. However, for the sake of consistency and acceleration development, I would suggest that your right handed vaulters take their first step with their right foot.

4. If your step is off how do you tell that the vaulter didn't adjust his/her step out of the front rather than in the last few steps.

This is the whole purpose of the mid mark chart. If the vaulter is out on the mid, yet they take off under, then you know that you should move their step up, rather than back, so that they can hit their mid and put their feet down quicker in the last 6 strides. If you are finding that the mid marks seem too close, there is probably an issue with the pole drop or plant motion.

FYI, less developed vaulters, especially girls, will tend to be further off the mid mark at the beginning. They will often be a couple feet behind the prescribed mid on the chart. As they improve their run mechanics, pole carry, and plant motion, they will close in on that mid.

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