Getting back

This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
PV Nerd
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Getting back

Unread postby 11kalnmitc » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:51 pm

so i haven't posted here in a while but today i ran into an issue at practice that confused me. after watching some videos of myself i found that i need to get back farther, so today i was focusing on this, on my second jump i swung and my shins ended up hitting the pole and stopping me from getting farther back. this went on to happen on about half of my jumps. What would be the main contributing factor to this?


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Re: Getting back

Unread postby grandevaulter » Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:27 pm

Is your shin hitting the pole (hoop) on the way up as you cover the pole or after you invert at the top of the pole ?

I'm going to make a stab at this. I believe that you are "trying" to rock back too" quickly" similarly to what I used to teach kids to do on the old "pop up" drill. If you stay behind the pole, keep a long take off leg and sweep after the bend has been initiated, you should cover the pole with out burning your shin on it. Don't try to rock back too soon, let your momentum and leg sweep put the energy in required to get as inverted as it will allow.

PV Nerd
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Location: Greensburg, PA

Re: Getting back

Unread postby 11kalnmitc » Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:15 pm

yes as i am trying to cover the pole my shin is hitting the pole, and today we watched video of yesterday at practice and my coach said the same thing, on the vaults where this happened i didn't hit the plant at all i just swung right away because i was so focused on getting back. Thanks for the help :)

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