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How to run from 7-lefts, and drop the pole?
Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 4:37 pm
by VaulterChick122
I am getting pretty frustrated. I have great 3 left approaches. I have been wrapping 11ft with a 9'3" and 9'6" grip from 3 lefts. When i move back to a five i grip 10ft sometimes 10'3" i can sometimes wrap 12ft. However, even though i am gripping a foot higher, 12ft is ALOT more difficult from a five than 11ft is from a 3. I think i have a better jump up from a 3 than a five, and i do not know why. Also when i move back to sevens, i can only grip up to 10'9" tops. Sometimes not even that high. They are not better than my fives, but they should be. How should you run from a 7 left approach. I am unable to get a video of my run but i am typically 1 to 2 feet out from my mid and sometimes still tight. My coach says i have to get my feet down, but my first 4 steps should be bigger, but not as fast, and get faster as i run. I am really confused on how to run, i can't seem to get it right with the pole jump which is always late. This prevents me from jumping up and driving easily which prevents me from gripping up. Any advice?
Re: How to run from 7-lefts, and drop the pole?
Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 5:42 pm
by Thats.What.She.Said
Do off the runway pole runs. Start with walking plants, and pause at every step to get a feel for where the pole should be at every step. Next move to fluid walking, then jogging, and finally full speed. This way you learn how to move your arms with your feet properly, to plant better.
As for the 7 step run, you may not necessarily need a 7 step run. No matter the length of your run, you always want your last 3 steps to be your fastest, so if your speed peaks after 5 steps then those 2 extra steps aren't helping and could possibly cause you to end up slowing down by the time you're planting. This relates to your issue with being outside of your midmark, because you're quickening your run up sooner than necessary for a 7 step run. Basically, you want to run like the slow clap, your steps should rhythmically be getting down faster all the way up to your takeoff, so those first steps should be more powerful to get you going.
Re: How to run from 7-lefts, and drop the pole?
Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 6:04 pm
by VaulterChick122
Thanks! My 7 lefts aren't necessarily slower, but i still need to get the correct "rhythm" down on how to run them i guess.
Re: How to run from 7-lefts, and drop the pole?
Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 6:14 pm
by Thats.What.She.Said
It's not even necessarily about them being slower, just rather them being no faster. If you reach the same top speed in 5 steps as you do in 7, then just take 5 that way you can get more reps in before you get as tired. Also, I know there's people on here that strongly advocate that you don't need to go back to that many steps until you are jumping/holding a fair bit higher
Re: How to run from 7-lefts, and drop the pole?
Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 6:22 pm
by VaulterChick122
well my coach wants me to eventually jump from sevens in meets and grip me up so i think he is starting me with them now so when i am gripping higher and jumping higher, i will easily be able to transition into sevens. I think that they are useful no matter what grip though as long as you can increase speed. and i do increase speed usually but i need to prefect my pole drop and plant from a seven, which is my biggest difficulty right now. I think once i can get that down i will be able to grip up.
Re: How to run from 7-lefts, and drop the pole?
Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 8:24 pm
by altius
Sorry - but if you want good feedback and advice you must put up film of your jumps - how would you like a brain surgeon to give you a diagnosis without some scans of your brain?
Re: How to run from 7-lefts, and drop the pole?
Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 9:13 pm
by Kris
Guess ill just post here since my question somewhat relates to the topic;
I'm by no means a good vaulter, i'm currently vaulting ~10 feet with an 11'3 grip - and i'm doing it from a 7 left run
Usually mediocre vaulters use a 3-6 left run, and they do very well, but for some reason i feel more comfortable going from 7 lefts. So my question is; should i shorten my run and practice going from 5-6 lefts or just stay at 7 from which i currently vault better?
Re: How to run from 7-lefts, and drop the pole?
Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 9:47 pm
by VaulterChick122
altius- i know i should, i will try to get a video at my meet on friday during my warmups to show the difference from all my approaches
Kris- obviously i have a similar problem so i don't know if i will be much help but i have been close to clearing 10 with a 10'6" grip from a seven left. i think you should maybe work on your lower grips and getting inverted and pulling because with an 11'3" grip you should be clearing at least 10'6". When you do not clear acceptable heights with your grip it is a sign to grip down until you have a good technique and a good pull (or push and swing i don't know what technique you learn). When you are gripping too high everything becomes more difficult so work on a 5 left approach with a lower grip (maybe about 10'6 or 10'9") and try to clear 10 from there. I can clear 9 with a 9'9" grip from a five, which is the acceptable grip for 8ft. I am nowhere near great shape for a vaulter, but my coach is very persistent on having a good technique and not raising grips until the vault is good enough, so many of his vaulters jump higher than there acceptable grip heights. I would work on your technique with a lower grip until you can clear things with acceptable grips. You can probably find the grip chart online or post something asking for what you should be clearing with what grips.
Re: How to run from 7-lefts, and drop the pole?
Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 10:32 am
by dj
I have been wrapping 11ft with a 9'3" and 9'6" grip from 3 lefts. When i move back to a five i grip 10ft sometimes 10'3" i can sometimes wrap 12ft.
"wrapping" is not a vault potential indicator.........the grip you can move to vertical, safely is the indicator of vault potential....
Your grip indicates 7'6/8-0' jump potential...
A 10'3 grip is 8-6.............................
I think you need to work real hard on your run so you will have the "speed" to grip higher and still move the pole to vertical....
To get your run correct you need to do lots of pole runs on the track...
If you want a seven left/14 stride approach you need to determine your best 6 step "MID" with no stretching... and runback 4 lefts/8 steps from there for your start point...
Practice accelerate out of the start... "get your feet down" over the last six, with the pole dropping of course and plant "BIG".. means top arm up.. shoulders square... "jump"/impulse at the takeoff.