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Planting under, deep standards?

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:43 pm
by christopher_cochran
Today was my first day on my new 14' 160 Pacer Carbon Weave pole. The pole has some crazy return on top and i loved it, but i had a consistent problem:
I've always wanted to stretch out my last stride (Jump step) which puts me about two or three shoe lengths under, but with a 13'6" pole i got away with it, not so much with this 14', so i started chopping my last stride off and put me back to about a shoe length under which is the best i've ever done. HOWEVER i thought being under put you in the pit shallow? <Hips so far in already that you swing straight up and go to your back and then go flying straight up over the box.> saw it with EveRy vaulter at MS 6A South State Championships. I, however, for the first time ever RACKED the standards (32" BUNGEE Tailwind) and STILL hit a 13' bungee on the way up!!! What in the world is this? sorry i didn't get video, but i'm running 7 lefts, i weigh about 156lbs, gripping about 13'7" and i only run about a 4.7 40yrd. dash so it's not like i'm blazing in there. Any advice, much abliged!
:yes: :heart:

Re: Planting under, deep standards?

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:32 pm
by rainbowgirl28
It sounds like you answered your own question? If you take off under, you won't rotate the pole as fast as you will with a good takeoff. You went up poles, which slows you down, but then you got a better takeoff, and now you're landing deeper. You're not blazing fast, but a 14' pole barely over your weight is not that big of a pole.

Re: Planting under, deep standards?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:17 am
by altius
"<Hips so far in already that you swing straight up and go to your back and then go flying straight up over the box.> saw it with EveRy vaulter at MS 6A South State Championships". Now that is a sad story!

Re: Planting under, deep standards?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:30 am
by christopher_cochran
I know everyone jumped at "15" (closer to like 12.5) and the "best kid" couldn't land in the pit; he went straight to his back and I SHOCKED the pole didn't snap. It seemed they were all slow.. nervousness for em I guess. My 12'6"-13' guy jumped 10'6"

Re: Planting under, deep standards?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 2:22 am
by altius
Sounds as though they need vaultman18 down there to do a clinic before someone gets killed.

Re: Planting under, deep standards?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 11:23 pm
by christopher_cochran
Here's what i mean by my deepness:

Toward the end my fatigue brought me in a little more shallow but..

Re: Planting under, deep standards?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:04 am
by rainbowgirl28
Yeah it looks like despite your mediocre technique, the pole is still getting too small :P What was the weight rating on the 13'6 pole you were on? Were you also landing deep with it?

Re: Planting under, deep standards?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:15 am
by christopher_cochran
the 13'7" pole i was jumping on was a borrowed 165lbs that i no longer have access to. Some videos of a day on it are also on my youtube channel, HOWEVER i was at 13'2" and about three shoe lengths under whereas now i'm about a shoe and a half under because i'm conciously trying to "chop" my last left--also with 7 lefts instead of 5.
mediocre technique
I am not at the strength I wanna be at. I have no lower abdominal nor lumbar, and i do not have my triceps developed for upside down pulling. I work my triceps like crazy, but i just can't seem to pull at that angle. Also, i have no clue how to 'drop my shoulders' to get inverted without going to my back TOO early in the vault...

Re: Planting under, deep standards?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:55 pm
by vcpvcoach
Ok, what I would change if I was your coach. You have no active pole drop during your run. You keep the pole tip high until the last minute. This leads to a very late plant. A late plant will always put you under at takeoff. Start by working off the runway with a towel.
Because you are under, you have no jump at takeoff. You are letting the pole do all of the work. You need to fix the run and work on jumping at takeoff. Also, plant a stride earlier.

Re: Planting under, deep standards?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 2:23 am
by tsorenson
Get your left elbow down below the level of your wrist, with your left hand centered in your chest, all the way through the run/drop/plant. Carrying the pole way off to your right side is making it impossible for you to get it centered at takeoff.

That pole looks great for you, but you should try jumping on it from 6 lefts, same grip and finish the takeoff (punch the hands up). You should PR pretty quickly.

Good luck,

Re: Planting under, deep standards?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:20 pm
by Barefoot
Is it my imagination, or is he pulling with the top arm?

Re: Planting under, deep standards?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:02 pm
by christopher_cochran
Going to vault today with a nice tail wind, but i'm working on three things that you guys have have in summary advised me to do:
1) Try and bring the pole carry in closer and no so far to the right to avoid flailing it all over the place.
2) Work on a more active pole drop so that i do not try to bring the pole straight from vertical into the plant all inside of the last two lefts in hopes of not being so far under.
3) Be sure that i'm not pulling with my top (right) arm but simply hanging with it. :yes:

I also am going to work on dropping my chin and shoulders once the pole begins to uncoil which will hopefully bring my standards from 32" back into around 28" or 27"

I will do my best to get some video footage that is a little less shaky, the guy videoing me last time was vaulting and breathing hard so he was shaking the camera alot. Thanks you guys. This website makes up for only having a coach one day a week! :D