Several Questions
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:10 pm
I have a couple quesitions. First, when I get inverted I often end up bent ie my legs are pointing up but my body doesnt follow. I can do it fine from a 3 and 4 step, but when I move back to my regular 6 it doesnt work. Secondly, what is a good way to practice collapsing your bottom arm. Thirdly, I have trouble keeping a lot of seperation between my legs after taking off, and when I do, I go crazy and end up swinging with the wrong leg or some other weird thing. What can I do to improve my seperation. DO you think, having several leg problems could be causing me to have these issues because I can't run as fast or confidently. Lastly would you suggest running from a 3,4,5, or 6 step to improve these problems.