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What is wrong with me?!?!?!

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:14 pm
by capital_kid1
ok so i just started vaulting this year and i've been struggling so far and my best friend who started doing this with me (who is almost the same athletic ability as me) is clearing 10'6" and my PR is only 8'6". i just got my steps figured out and i'm taking off from the right spot, and i'm getting good bend, but i'm not getting over anything or getting into the pit. any help?

Re: What is wrong with me?!?!?!

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:44 pm
by KirkB
capital_kid1 wrote: ... i've been struggling so far and my best friend who started doing this with me (who is almost the same athletic ability as me) is clearing 10'6" and my PR is only 8'6". ... any help?

Just jump like your best friend is jumping! :D

No ... seriously, you said it yourself ...
capital_kid1 wrote: ... i'm getting good bend, but i'm not getting over anything or getting into the pit.

If you're "getting good bend" but you're NOT getting into the pit, then THERE'S your problem!

You're gripping too high for your ability. Lower your grip until you land WELL into the pit ... like the middle of the PLZ.

And don't worry about bending the pole ... that's not very important when your PR is 8-6. That will come later.


Re: What is wrong with me?!?!?!

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 11:04 am
by bel142
morning, I agree w/ Kirk...

BUT some advice... as you hopefully have a long career ahead of you, don't compare your self to the other vaulters around you. If you are a younger person, some other vaulters are going to have more experience than you. You can only make your self crazy doing that. As you continue you will notice vaulters who are smaller than you, holding lower, jump much poorer than you who will clear higher bars. Its just something that happens, but also people are looking at you too, and some day you are going to be that person who is jumping higher than someone else.

If you focus on the process of vaulting, the heights will take care of themselves. If you worry about qualifying bars or what other people are jumping you limit your self to those thoughts, but if you look at those people and use that as inspiration... Now those thoughts can be very powerful.

One of my favorite quotes about pole vault comes from 'a pole vaulter's dream' (I would urge you to track down a copy) - " a 14'6" guy in high school, now the American record holder, seven times over... what ever its been, that's inspiration for everybody. People like me and you who don't have all the physical ability in the world can look at that and say you know what if we work hard and work smart and keep pluggin' away away, we can do it too..."


Re: What is wrong with me?!?!?!

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 10:06 pm
by capital_kid1
bel142 wrote:
One of my favorite quotes about pole vault comes from 'a pole vaulter's dream' (I would urge you to track down a copy) - " a 14'6" guy in high school, now the American record holder, seven times over... what ever its been, that's inspiration for everybody. People like me and you who don't have all the physical ability in the world can look at that and say you know what if we work hard and work smart and keep pluggin' away away, we can do it too..."

I really like this. i hope i have a career ahead of me lol cuz then i'll have to play football haha

Re: What is wrong with me?!?!?!

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:17 pm
by capital_kid1
k so any tips about going into a huge meet? is there any like mental zone i need to be in to get up better jumps?

Re: What is wrong with me?!?!?!

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:46 pm
by yankee814
I often use the crowd to my advantage, I'm one that thrives on pressure knowing that I have to do something or else...
Counties, States I enjoy the fact that Im part of a team competition

Not even that, I imagine just that I want to prove to myself that I belong in the competition. Even if I don't PR and guys jump two or three feet higher than me, if I show up that day and take some good jumps I'm pleased with myself.

Just give it your all and you wont be disappointed :yes:

Re: What is wrong with me?!?!?!

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:08 pm
by billy_pacheco7
You first need to be a student of the event! thats the main thing. You have a lot of time to improve, so don't stress about it. The vault will get a lot more stressful the better you get.

Start off do not need to rush to be better then your friend now. The pole vault takes a lot of patience. You need to figure out the right take-off angle. That means a nice high plant, stepping under or even having a slight out-step, and keeping that left leg behind you at take-off. This will allow you to have the propper - strong swing that you will need to help you to get to the verticle position. Continue the plant, your approach, and the take-off, you should never settle for an average take-off - pefection is key. As far as the top part of the vault - that takes a lot of strenghth drill, rope vaults, high bars, swing up drills, bubkas... so on. good luck!