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Planting just a little Under

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 6:59 pm
by christopher_cochran
How do I fix planting under? My top arm is locked and straight, but I'm just about 3 to 6 inches under. I've adjusted my steps, but still have the problem, what do i do? Thanks.

Re: Planting just a little Under

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:09 pm
by rainbowgirl28
Do you have any video? There are a lot of reasons why you might be under...

One common reason is a plant that is late/slow, causing the last few steps to stretch out.

Re: Planting just a little Under

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:27 pm
by christopher_cochran
Yes but how do i post video?

Re: Planting just a little Under

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:54 pm
by KirkB
Most vid reviews are posted on, but you could also try or I'd try fliggo first, since that one is especially for pole vaulters.

Then just post to PVP with a link to your vid.

Vids usually go in the "Video Review" forum ... but since you've already started this thread in the Intermediate Technique forum, you should probably just link to this thread.


Re: Planting just a little Under

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:27 pm
by christopher_cochran
Well that is exactly what is sounds like i'm doing, but how do i fix a slow plant? is there a drill that will help, a pointer?

Re: Planting just a little Under

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:59 am
by yz85608
There are some drills that increase turnover on your last few steps. I call it the pacifer but i just put a piece of foam that is placed about a foot or so in front of where your take of is suppose to be, them do your short runs like 4-5 lefts, you will notice a major increase in turnover. In return you will have a slightly outside takeoff and wont be getting jammed.

Re: Planting just a little Under

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:39 pm
by christopher_cochran
Worst Practice of the week and not good video quality but it gives you an idea. there should be another video coming up in the next hour or so. You can comment on there or here. Thank you.

Re: Planting just a little Under

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:25 am
by MattM
It all starts small. Always work on your plant, plant drills over and over and over again. The best vaulters that have every lived do 75% of their training stiff poling and doing plant drills.

First work with a 3 step with one hand dragging the pole, then two hands dragging the pole, then two hands carrying the pole (start the pole tip at your head height for these) After these, move to a 3 STRIDE while carrying the pole. Do these over and over again, the more you do these, the more it will help. Don't do them into the pit, just do them off to the side on the grass. A lot of people think that they're beyond doing the basics, but then take one look at an Olympic vaulter and I guarantee you they're doing stuff like this all the time. :)

When you're in the pit, do a ton of stiff pole drills, working on your plant being nice and tall. When you're doing these, try to always jump from where you're supposed to. What you do when you're stiff poling is what you're going to do when you're in a full approach. You've got to repeat the action of jumping from the correct spot over and over again until you've got it drilled into the back of your mind.

Take things progressively, if you move things too fast then you'll only be hurting yourself.

Re: Planting just a little Under

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:22 pm
by yankee814
slide boxes :yes: search them on the forum

Re: Planting just a little Under

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:36 pm
by Thats.What.She.Said
hmm it appears that part of your problems may be starting before you even get to planting. When you are running, you are sawing the pole (moving it back and forth) which then in turn affects your plants. so i would also add working on doing a bunch of pole runs to your list, preferably first because the run is the first part of the vault, and if you are having issues there, then it will mess up everything else

Re: Planting just a little Under

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:13 am
by rainbowgirl28
Thats.What.She.Said wrote:hmm it appears that part of your problems may be starting before you even get to planting. When you are running, you are sawing the pole (moving it back and forth) which then in turn affects your plants. so i would also add working on doing a bunch of pole runs to your list, preferably first because the run is the first part of the vault, and if you are having issues there, then it will mess up everything else

Yeah, when you move your hands back and forth, what is happening is that when you start your plant, your hands are back, so it looks like the pole is farther away from the box, so you are thinking you are too far away. Don't let that top hand get behind that hip and it will be not feel so far away.

Also, on your youtube page, you said, "Can't seem to drop my head back when a bar is there." You don't want your head to go back, you want to keep it neutral. Think about looking at your top hand or the top of your pole when you are swinging.

Re: Planting just a little Under

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:53 pm
by christopher_cochran
All this helped SO much. I stopped swaying the pole, i got the pole up earlier, hit my planting mark and i landed in the pit with our bigger pole: 165lbs 13'6 Pacerfx. When i get a good jump in, i'll post a video for some more pointers. Thank you all very much.