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Tuck position versus swing

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 12:26 pm
by Scouse Sergei
Hi gang,
I have a vaulter who has developed a tuck position as oposed to a swing trhrough of trail leg. He is a decathlete so is stong enough to generate a big push when he reaches the point where the pole is almost straight after getting a lot of bend. Problem is I have no idea how to coach this style, are there any recommendation on how to develop the tuck and push? Would he be better attempting to swing and get vertical instead?

Also, I have another vaulter who is doing 3m80 without inverting fully, he only reaches an "L" shape. I don't have any gymnast bars to practice Bubkas etc so are there any ideas on how to develop the full vertical rock back?


Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 1:38 pm
by AeroVault
In the long run he is better of utilizing a full swing. Sounds like they both need to develop their core strength. A high bar is nearly as important as a pole for vaulting. If you don't have one at your facilities, find a place they can go on their own (like a park or pullup bar at home) to work on swing and those beloved Bubka drills.

You can get away without one by using a soft pole in practice from a short run. The athletes need a high takeoff, but the pole should react more like it does on a full vault and they can really work on their swing without having to do full runs every time. Think whipping trail leg. Taking off in the right position will help, too. Make sure their step is not under so they are able to aggressively whip their trail leg forward.

Other than that... abs, abs, abs! Good luck.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 3:24 pm
by Scouse Sergei
Thanks Aero Vault, sorry to annoy people with the triplicate posts, that's impatience for you whiel waiting for the post to upload I carried on clicking upload!
Anyway......ok, I knwo all about the trial leg and I 've been working on it with my vaulters, the problem is they gwt thweir feet to their chest height but don't invert. I don't have a soft pole to train them on and no bars as mentioned. Is there any specialised rope exercise to try and develop the invert? Or is there another pole exercise that gets them to really whip their feet above their head?

The problem with the guy who tucks his legs is his physique, he's a big lad but has done 4m already, he's 17 and a possible top 5 British decathlete for his age. I think it's easier for him to tuck rather and use his strength to push off rather than extend and rock back. Maybe I need to introduce a new drill to both athletes' training so any other feedback/help would be invaluable. Thanks.