Vaulting Progressions

This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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Unread postby ~jj~ » Wed Oct 01, 2003 10:33 am

Yo! How is everyone in j-boro?
How old were you when you started to PV?
Where kind of having a discussion regarding when is a good tome to start vaulting. Perhaps you could ask the j-boro guys to send us notes regarding how old they were when the started and how high thery jumped in HS and college. Kind of a progression.
Tell Earl, me and AC still want to take him surfing. :star:
j johnson
9th 10'
10th 13'
11th 14'
12th 15'4
FR 16'4
soph 17'7
RS 17'8
JR 18'4
SR 17'6
Get the idea?

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World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Casey Carrigan
Location: A Temperate Island

Re: d.u.b.

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Oct 01, 2003 10:57 am

~jj~ wrote:Yo! How is everyone in j-boro?
How old were you when you started to PV?
Where kind of having a discussion regarding when is a good tome to start vaulting. Perhaps you could ask the j-boro guys to send us notes regarding how old they were when the started and how high thery jumped in HS and college. Kind of a progression.
Tell Earl, me and AC still want to take him surfing. :star:
j johnson
9th 10'
10th 13'
11th 14'
12th 15'4
FR 16'4
soph 17'7
RS 17'8
JR 18'4
SR 17'6
Get the idea?

See this thread

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Unread postby dubjones » Wed Oct 01, 2003 2:36 pm

I don't think EB can surf, if you are from Arkansas the Ocean is off limits. I belive that is state law.

Here are my #'s
Jr-Did not jump


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Unread postby ~jj~ » Wed Oct 01, 2003 3:05 pm

Thats ok, Were kind of having a shark problem out here this summer :( (no stuff!). Clay and his buddies got chased out of the water last night, after the harbor patrol told them a fisherman had chased one in his boat, for approximalty a half mile, about 10 min earlier, near one of the most surfed spots on the central coast. As you may remember we had a ocean swimmer attacked and killed about a month ago and several sightings since!!!! :dazed:
Thanks for the pr updates.
Are you working at Earl's, or else where?
Say hi to EB.

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Unread postby keulpv » Wed Oct 01, 2003 9:03 pm

Hey Jan its Adam Keul out in Phoenix. Here are some new numbers for your study.

7th- 8'1"
8th- 9'3
9th- 12'6
11th- 15'4
12th- 17'
Fresh- 16'6
soph- 17'10
Junior- 18'7"1/2
Senior- 18'2 1/2
First year out 18'2 1/2

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Bruce Caldwell
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Hello Jan

Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:13 pm

Not sure this will help as I am not a Top Vaulter SMILE
but here goes:

6th 6'0"
7th- 7'6"
8th- 9'0
9th- 10'0
11th- 12'6 injured
12th- 13'6"
Fresh- 15'8
age 44 6'0" at Earl's Place

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What about rainbow girl?

Unread postby ~jj~ » Thu Oct 02, 2003 6:40 pm

With all that rain up in Seattle- she must have improved a bunch when she went southeast. :D

Come on Rainbow! Where's your progression? :eek:
I never saw any Rainbows in Seattle or Portland, all the times I been up there! But it sure makes the roses grow. :rose: :rose: :rose:
Thanks, for your progression BC. (Es-sex) :star:

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Favorite Vaulter: Casey Carrigan
Location: A Temperate Island

Re: What about rainbow girl?

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu Oct 02, 2003 6:56 pm

~jj~ wrote:With all that rain up in Seattle- she must have improved a bunch when she went southeast. :D

Come on Rainbow! Where's your progression? :eek:
I never saw any Rainbows in Seattle or Portland, all the times I been up there! But it sure makes the roses grow. :rose: :rose: :rose:
Thanks, for your progression BC. (Es-sex) :star:

Mine suck, that's why I didn't post them :P

The Seattle rain does make me tougher! People down here don't like to jump in the rain. They are scared of this thing called lightning. We don't have that in the NW ;)

11th grade - 6'6" outdoor, 7'6" summer
12th grade - 8'2" indoor, 9'9" outdoor, 10'6" summer
Freshman year of college I got cut from the team. I didn't vault that whole year and forgot how to vault by the time I got home for the summer. Got back up to 10'3".
Sophomore year of college I trained at a high school in FL and jumped 9'10" indoors, 11' that summer.
Last year I transferred to UGA and the SEC made me redshirt :crying: I was also injured in the fall (but that did give me the chance to establish left handed PR of 7'6") and jumped 10'6" about 50 times between the year and the summer. The good news is I can now jump as high from 3 lefts as I can from my full run :confused:

This year is going really well so far and I am kicking butt in practice. We'll see what happens!


Unread postby ILLINIPV » Thu Oct 02, 2003 7:03 pm

Yo JJ,

Look what you do to the website, just bringing everyone out. Keul what's up bud. You and Norberg need to come back to Chi town.

Tell clay and chels i said "Hey". IL weather is shitty, we're hitting lower 50 degrees practices. See you in December.

6th: 8'0
7th: 10
8th: 11'6
9th: 11'
10: 12'6
11: 14'
12: did not compete
soph: 15'6
Junior: 16'10
Senior: Send your Pac 10 guys out to the Big Ten, need comp home boy

I'm biased on Jan, known you for 9 damn years now. You're a great asset to the sport. Like the updated pics on the web.


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Yo! AP, Rainbow girl......

Unread postby ~jj~ » Thu Oct 02, 2003 7:23 pm

Rainbow...You have a great coach. He will work the heck out of you, but your from Seattle, and you must be tough as nails. My sister lives in Seattle, and her daughter vaultes. I'm gonna send you a photo, and we'll play name the Seattle area mountian peak later in the week...KO? Perhaps we could even post it on the site, and have the entire country play. I hiked up this mountian last summer and I thought I was gonna die.

Just wait hoss! There is some huge PV news about to hit in Illinois. Its never gonna be the same again (no stuff). Don't ask, its a top secret project ive been working on, but the s*** is gonna hit the fan and its gonna get all over the place.

In fact we should have a contest.....
"guess the the big news"

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Unread postby Lord of the Poles » Thu Oct 02, 2003 7:52 pm

Don't know if I should bother putting my stats, too? :confused:

9th and before - did not compete

10th - 8'6"
11th - 9'6", summer 10'6"
12th - 11'6, summer 11'6"

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thanks lotp!

Unread postby ~jj~ » Fri Oct 03, 2003 11:13 am

Heck yea LOTP, We want your progressions. Thats what this sport is all about. Ya don't jump high in a day. It takes a long time to get good.
Here are a few more to consider:

Brian Cisneros (ata hs) :D
8th 9'6"
9th 11'6
10th 12'10
11th 14'
12th 14'4

Clay Johnson (ata hs) ;)
9th 11'6"
10th 13'3
11th 15'

Kacey Lundgren (ata hs) :rose:
8th 8'9"
9th 11'6
10th 12'9
11th 12'6" (shortened season to mono)

Karen Bewley (ata hs - ucla) :confused:
10th 10'6
11th 11'1
12th 11'6
fr 11'
soph 12'3
jr 12'6
sr 12'9

Paige roberts (ata hs -vandy) :rose:
9th 9'6
10th 11'3
11th 12'
12' 12'4
fr 12'
soph 12'3

Monica Pacus (ata hs) :rose:
8th 9'9
fr NM
soph 12'6
jr 13'

Gabe Norris (Ata HS) :)
9th 10'
10th 11'6
11th 13'
12th 13'7

Ryan Tonneson (Ata HS, Cuesta cc) :)
8th 9'6
9th 11'
10th 12'
11th 13'6
fr 15'8

Cody James (ata hs) :)
8th 6'
9th 8'
10th 9'
11' 11'6
12 12' 4"

Chelsea Johnson (ata hs -ucla) :heart:
12th 13'6
fr 13'11"

Progressive improvement is the key!!!! But it it is important to note that as you improve the rate of improvement slows down. Improvement is fun! It keeps ya going.
Where is everyone's progression?
Neovaulter! Where is ya? :dazed:
~jj~ :heart:

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