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pole change :]

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:30 pm
hi im from nj ..... etcetc
i was using a 135lb 13' pole and i then i started to use a 150lb. 13' 6' pole. i am 135lb. , and using the 135lb pole i can penetrate into the pit very easily. when i got onto the 150lb pole i always end up in the air landing to the side of the mats. im not sure of the problem, but i keep thinking im not pushing hard enough because maybe im not used to it yet, or i have a late plant. im still sorry i dont have any videos :[, but i will try to post as soon as possible.
is there any tips or tricks of how i can penetrate thru? thank you! :D

oh also and i grip all the way at the top for the 135
and one hand down from the 150

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:10 pm
by vault3rb0y
is there any tips or tricks of how i can penetrate thru? thank you!

Thats one of the most worked on questions in vaulting, and it generally comes from two sources:

1) Becoming faster and stronger, and in doing so improve your take off energy

2) Becoming more technically sound during your run, take off, and vault, in order to use all your energy in the correct way.

The second is way more focused on than the first, in all levels of vaulting. You should always be working on the first with your training, but when you are vaulting it is mainly a focus on #2. Trying to "push harder" is probably going to give you a little more of #1, but way less of #2. Instead, put mechanics before speed and strength in order of importance. Make sure your run is tall and controlled, your step is not under, your hands are high over your head at all times during your take off, and you hit your take off in such a way that your trail leg naturally comes behind you, allowing you to swing faster.

That being said, a 13' 135 to a 13'6 150 is going to be a bit of a jump. Its the equivalent of about a 13' 135 to a 13' 160, and a 25 Ib jump with the same grip is no small jump. I realize sometimes you dont have options, so try to focus on form before brute strength in the vault. You will see results. But if at all possible, find a 13' 145 or a 13'6 135 and grip the same.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:12 pm
by vault3rb0y
I realize i didnt fully answer your question, but thats partly because it has been talked about quite a bit. Do searches for the proper run dynamics, take off technique, hand position, and importance of the swing. You will find more than enough to get that 13'6 150 from a short run if you can do all the stuff on this site :yes: . Good luck!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:49 pm
Thanks for all the info!!!
this really helps me alot and i can understand it alot better :D