Vaulting Progressions

This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Fri Oct 03, 2003 12:02 pm

There, I split this thread so that it will be easier to find later ;)

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Unread postby natdog » Fri Oct 03, 2003 2:31 pm

8th 9'-6"
9th 13'-9"
10th 13'-0"
11th 14'-7"
12th 15'-7"
FR 16'-2"
Soph 17'-5"
Jr 17-9"
Sr 18'-6"
next yr: hurt
next yr: 18'-6 1/2'
next yr: 18'-9"
run high and hold fast

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Unread postby wacky274 » Fri Oct 03, 2003 3:19 pm

I guess I can throw my stats up:

9th: 14'
10th: 14' 7"

fresh: yet to be seen...
Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them-a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill. - Muhammad Ali

Talent in cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.
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Unread postby OAKPV2004 » Fri Oct 03, 2003 3:35 pm

7th: 8'6"
8th: 9'6"
9th: 12'11" (4.00m)
10th: 14'9" (4.50m)
11th: 15'9" (4.80m)
12th: ........... :devil:

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Unread postby Keith » Fri Oct 03, 2003 4:00 pm

9th: 4.10m
10th: 4.80m
11th: 5.00m
12th: looking forward to higher :)

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Unread postby ~jj~ » Fri Oct 03, 2003 4:00 pm

Thanks Rainbowgirl......
Its cool....the thread looks great....
Now I want to see who know's their stuff....
Any camp for free at sjvsc, simply tell me the name of this peak, and what the middle names are of Chelsea Johnson 13'11" @UCLA, Taylor Starkey @NM-sjvsc, Shayla Balentine 13'8" @ SDSU.......
How about it everybody? I'll consider any guesses.....
So far I have given only one clue: The peak is not in Alaska.
To win the prize, you must list your progression with your guess.
Where the heck is Neovaulter?
Sean we need ya!
~jj~ :idea:

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Unread postby Neo Vaulter » Fri Oct 03, 2003 7:10 pm

yes where am I?

I just got back from planet Mercury where we set up an intergalactic pole vault center. The aliens love it. Where having our first summit in 3030, Deltron is going to MC.



89 / 10'
90 / 12'
91 / 13'6"
92 / 15'7"
93 / 16'
94 / 17'
95 / red shirt
96 / 17'9"
97 / 18'8
98 / 18'6"
99 / 18'6"

I'll be watching . . .

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Unread postby lonestar » Fri Oct 03, 2003 7:19 pm

My progression:

7th 6'6
8th 8'0
9th 9'0
10th 10'6
11th 12'0
12th 12'6
FR 14'1
SOPH 14'3
JR 14'6
SR 14'6
1st year out NM
2nd year out 14'9
3rd year out 14'7
4th year out 15'1
5th year out 15'0

SOME of my kids:

9th 9'6
10th 11'0
11th 12'0
12th 14'3

10th 10'6
11th 12'10

9th 11'0
10th 11'6

9th 10'6
10th 11'6.5

10th 9'0
11th 11'0
Summer after 11th 11'3

9th 9'0
10th 9'6
Summer after 10th 10'3

8th 8'6
Summer after 8th 9'3

8th 7'0
Summer after 8th 8'6

8th 6'6
Summer after 8th 9'4
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beam me up (scotty)

Unread postby ~jj~ » Fri Oct 03, 2003 7:19 pm

I heard you had fun in Urbana :eek:
Did you stop off on the way back from Mercury :star: ?
We were so worried :dazed: !
Howz da surf at m-pier?
Have you concentrated on the mt. peak and middle names contest yet?
You may have an inside edge?
ps. Your jc record's goin down (homie).
The central coastal crew misses you.

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Unread postby Robert schmitt » Fri Oct 03, 2003 7:22 pm

11th 13'
12th 13' (only vautled 2 weeks)

Fr 13' 1992
So 13' (injury red shirt outdoor)
jr 13' (injury redshirt indorr)
sr 15'113/4"
sr yr no.2 17' 6" (broke my back a week later :( )

1999 14'6"

2001 14'
2002 14'
2003 14'7"

I'll say mount baker and all thier middle names are Rose
An optimist is one who sees a light in darkness....a pessimist blows it out.

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Re: beam me up (scotty)

Unread postby Neo Vaulter » Fri Oct 03, 2003 9:03 pm

~jj~ wrote:I heard you had fun in Urbana :eek:
Did you stop off on the way back from Mercury :star: ?
We were so worried :dazed: !
Howz da surf at m-pier?
Have you concentrated on the mt. peak and middle names contest yet?
You may have an inside edge?
ps. Your jc record's goin down (homie).
The central coastal crew misses you.

dude . . . surf is BIG right now, but no where to go. At least outside my backyard. the pier may be behaving otherwise.

Urbana was really cool. They've got the all star set up, and Bryan hooked us up with the bomb tour. We should have some cool footage for the next DVD.

so you got some old ringer to come in and break my Cuesta school record huh? Does Dean still have JC eligibility or something?

about the MT. PEak thing . . . I have no idea.

I look forward to jumping in your uard again. something about that place puts me in the zone.

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Its Almost ranch time and your going this year....

Unread postby ~jj~ » Fri Oct 03, 2003 10:26 pm

Yea! Gill is awsome. I was there about the week before you.
What a great facility!!!! They are so fun to work with.
We are just putting the finishing touches on a 6 year poles project that is gonna really help the sport.
Clay just got back from the rock, he said it was head high plus.
Plus, the big spiders were out for the first time tonight. Sooooo it means winter is just around the corner, and that means surfing at Drakes.
Did you look at the Ranch trip under the surfing button at That was at Cojo.
Drakes is even better ya got to go with us this winter!
E Boxley is in town tomorrow- recuriting some of my guys. Were taking him for some rock in the morning.

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