any suggestions for moving up to a 15ft pole

This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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Unread postby sooch90 » Mon May 05, 2008 9:19 pm

LHSVaulterJJR wrote:i understand what your talking about with passive phases, but perhaps i described this wrong. i simply meant that when you grip higher or use longer poles you need more penetration and you need to drive or continue your takeoff longer in order to store more energy. this is in a continuos phase with the swing wich follows. it is true that if you swing up without letting your body drive in and allowing your chest to come forwards and stay balanced over the hips that your penetration may suffer. drive deeper and prestretch those muscles for a stronger swing. i believe allan launder has a thing for prestretched muscles in the vault ;)

I'm pretty sure once you finished the takeoff, then you've finished the takeoff. I don't think you can "drive longer", cause once the takeoff is finished, it's time to swing. Maybe you meant drive harder or takeoff hard, but that's not very specific advice. Who can't use a little more explosion at takeoff?

Also driving harder could also connote ideas of taking off with a lower angle.

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