A Sad Day in Michigan Pole Vault

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ADTF Academy
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A Sad Day in Michigan Pole Vault

Unread postby ADTF Academy » Sun Oct 26, 2008 3:50 pm

On Friday October 24

Oran Mitchell passed away at the age of 85......

He was a main stay in pole vault community in the state of Michigan and all over the country for many years dating back a very long time and has worked with thousands of vaulters over the years. I am sure he has touched many of the people coaching or working with pole vaulters today in the state. I hope people that knew him would take a moment and remember this man. I know he played a major role in me being the man and coach I am today.

Of all the lessons Oran taught me over the years the one I will remember most was, "show someone you will sacrifice for them and they will do everything in their power not to let you down."

For those interesting there will be a showing on Tuesday October 28th in South Haven, MI at Filbrandt Family Funeral Home at 1:00 pm. If you would like more information I can be reached at 616-260-1406.....

RIP Oran you have lived a long and rewarding life.....

I thought this would be the best way to inform the pole vault community. I hope this information spreads and people all over the country take a moment to remember him.

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Re: A Sad Day in Michigan Pole Vault

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sun Oct 26, 2008 4:11 pm

Very sorry to hear of his passing.

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Re: A Sad Day in Michigan Pole Vault

Unread postby vaulter870 » Sun Oct 26, 2008 6:59 pm

this is very sad and i send condolences to his family :( oran was an awesome man and he will be missed in michigan. i had the opertunity to meet oran several times and he was very funny and always working with kids. i know that there are many people that are going to be missing him greatly
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Re: A Sad Day in Michigan Pole Vault

Unread postby skyshark177 » Mon Oct 27, 2008 4:46 am

My condolences. Oran was a very good coach. I had the pleasure of working with him while I was in high school and can't thank him enough for the coaching he gave me. He will be missed for sure.

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Re: A Sad Day in Michigan Pole Vault

Unread postby indestructo » Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:50 am

My thoughts and prayers go out to Oran's family. He will be missed by many. He was a great coach and a great personality to be around.

I'll see you in heaven my friend.

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