Bartolina (and 300 others) to compete at Grand Haven

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Bartolina (and 300 others) to compete at Grand Haven

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:11 pm ... in_gh.html

Olympian to compete in GH Beach Vault
Posted by Chad D. Lerch | The Muskegon Chronicle July 08, 2008 07:52AM
Categories: Grand Haven

Chronicle file photo/Cory Morse
Beach-goers watch the Grand Haven Beach Vault on the Grand Haven City Beach in 2007. Enlarge photo
GRAND HAVEN -- Pole vaulter Erica Bartolina has a little stop planned before heading to China with the U.S. Olympic Track and Field team.

The Olympian is one of the 300 athletes expected to compete this weekend at the Grand Haven Beach Vault.

Event organizer Kevin Patterson said he received an e-mail from Bartolina saying she intends to enter the Grand Haven competition Friday and Saturday.

Bartolina, the first female pole vaulter at Texas A&M, qualified for the U.S. Olympic Team by vaulting 14 feet, 11 inches last weekend in Eugene, Ore.

Chronicle file photo/Cory Morse
Isaac Austin clears the bar as part of the Grand Haven Beach Vault on the Grand Haven City Beach in 2007. Austin won his age division with a vault of 12 feet. Enlarge photo
Meanwhile, at least two males who competed for a spot on the U.S. Olympic Team -- Jeremy Scott and Mark Hollis -- are expected to be here as well, organizers said.

Patterson said he's excited about this weekend's event at a unique venue -- the Grand Haven City Beach, just south of the state park.

"The pole vault is a unique event in all of sports because you need superb athletic ability and a little bit of a daring mentality," he said. "Plus, you get to fly through the air and get the surreal feeling of doing that."

The event has jumped from 75 competitors in 2001, the event's inaugural year, to nearly 300 last year. Patterson said he expects around 300 jumpers again this year.

They'll arrive in West Michigan from at least 12 states and Canada. He said the Grand Haven event is the largest "beach vault" in the world.

It features competitive divisions for youths, high school, college and adults. A highlight for many is the elite division, which draws some of the nation's most accomplished vaulters.

Patterson, a pole vaulting coach at Rockford High School, said it's a blast to watch young athletes strive for their goals.

The setup will be similar to past years -- event organizers will build modular runways for the athletes' approach to the vaulting pit.

Chronicle file photo/Cory Morse
Pole vaulters line up to practice before the start of the competition. Enlarge photo
They will use heavy equipment to excavate the sand before putting the elevated runways in place. Laser-guided levels are used to ensure the runways are even and safe, officials said.

The runways are comprised of 8-foot sections that are "put together like a jig-saw puzzle," Patterson said.

He said competitors are ready to jump right into it.

"The kids just love it. I hear so many kids saying it's their favorite meet of the year," Patterson said.

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