2008 Hemlock Moon Vault

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Location: Hemlock, MI

2008 Hemlock Moon Vault

Unread postby HHSPVCoach » Wed May 14, 2008 11:54 am

That's right, it's back! This year with longer runway, bigger jumbo-tron for instant replays and (hopefully) glowing crossbar! Come on out and join the fun. We'll be running two bars on the same pit 5 feet apart so everyone gets to jump together. (See entry form for more details.) Remember for those that no-heighted last year, you get free entry this year (does not include shirt)!

Hemlock, Michigan is located about 10 minutes west of Saginaw on M-46. The event is held at the track on a raised board runway. More information can be found on the facebook events page:


or the myspace event page:

http://events.myspace.com/index.cfm?fus ... 6F66178047

And the entry form can be downloaded at:


Any other questions feel free to email me: phil_eichbauer@yahoo.com

PV Nerd
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Joined: Thu May 12, 2005 12:41 pm
Expertise: Former HS and college vaulter, now HS and college coach
Favorite Vaulter: Bubka, duh!
Location: Hemlock, MI

Unread postby HHSPVCoach » Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:46 am

Hey, we're now going to be USATF sanctioned!!! Entry forms can still be downloaded at:


Enter early and save yourself a few bucks!

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Favorite Vaulter: Toby Stevenson
Location: Ft.worth , TX and anywhere there is jumping

Unread postby vaulter870 » Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:36 pm

i am sad i cant make it this year it was sweet last year :(
If you cant do it right , do if 10000 more times till you can

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