Shelby Pole Vault & Throwers Camp June 17-18 (MI)

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Shelby Pole Vault & Throwers Camp June 17-18 (MI)

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed May 14, 2008 11:36 pm ... y_id=29348

Pole vault, thowers camp

The Shelby Pole Vault & Throwers Camp is set for Tuesday and Wednesday, June 17 and 18 from noon to 4 p.m. at Shelby High School Track.
The camp is open to children and teens currently in grades five through 12.

The cost is $25, which includes a T-shirt, snacks and drinks.

The camp is an opportunity for students to become introduced to the basics of pole vaulting or throwing shot and disc. No prior experience is necessary.

Campers will be instructed by high school coaches and athletes. They will learn proper form, techniques and drills.

Register by Friday, May 30, to ensure receiving a T-shirt. A registration form must be completed, along with a check made out to Shelby High School.

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