Ah, c'mon guys. I love track too. But we all know it's just another conditioning venue for football. And baseball......it's for the ones that want to take a break from conditioning
This quote was made by a "supporter of all sports". He lives in the same town that created 3 pro football players; Jeff Hartings, Jim Lachey, and Bobby Hoyng. This comment was made on a very popular forum that is used as the news source and gossip collumn for our athletic conference.
Just a little information on where this guy is from and the mentality of the region.
Is this just Ohio or does there seem to be just a complete disregard for track and field? The idea that track serves as conditioning for football is a slap in the face of the serious track and field athletes. I used to play football, but when track came that was what i was focused on. If it was said that an athlete was only playing football to get stronger for track or wrestling. People would have a fit. Sorry about my ranting, but i don't see this kind of thinking as constructive to our sport.