Andy_C wrote:I understand there's a big conflict in scheduling but still, I would have thought that going to the Youth Olympics would have drawn a lot more 4m girls and 5m guys from the US. I could be wrong but maybe a lot of high school athletes in the US just aren't "into" international competitions at this stage because there's so much preoccupying their lives like doing well at state/nationals and getting into a good college program. In effect, it's an informed decision to stay domestic for the time being - though again I could very well be wrong on that assumption.
I don't know if we even have any 4m girls/5m boys in that age group? It is difficult to say because in the US our rankings are focused on grade and not age. It is common for kids to be "old" for their grade.
Here are the top boys who were probably age eligible:
B-PV 23 16-01.00 Ebbets, Caleb (2012) ( Lee County, GA) Westover Relays (GA), 2010-04-17 (#1)
B-PV 25 16-00.00 Watson, Reese (2012) ( Spring, TX) TX 5A Region 2 (TX), 2010-05-03 (#1)
B-PV 25 16-00.00 Blankenship, Jacob (2012) ( Lincoln, OH) OH D1 Districts (OH), 2010-05-22 (#1)
B-PV 54 15-07.00 Sonnen, Josh (2012) ( Midlothian, TX) TX District 16 - 4A (TX), 2010-04-14 (#1)
Most of these boys are probably _not_ age eliglble, but a few may have been:
B-PV 3 17-00.75 Juilfs, JJ (2011) ( Henry D Sheldon, OR) OR 6A State Meet (OR), 2010-05-29 (#1)
B-PV 5 17-00.00 Irwin, Andrew (2011) ( Mount Ida, AR) AR Meet of Champions (AR), 2010-05-08 (#1)
B-PV 9 16-09.00 Uhle, Chris (2011) ( Olentangy Liberty, OH) OH 1A State Meet (OH), 2010-06-05 (#1)
B-PV 13 16-06.00 Duplantis, Andreas (2011) ( Lafayette, LA) Great Southwest Classic (NM), 2010-06-05 (#1) (competes for Sweden anyway)
B-PV 13 16-06.00 Yamoah, Jordan (2011) ( Arlington, NY) NY State Champs (NY), 2010-06-12 (#1)
B-PV 15 16-04.75 Uhle, Christopher (2011) ( Olentangy Liberty, OH) US Junior Nationals (IA), 2010-06-27 (#7)
B-PV 17 16-04.00 Duvio, Dalton (2011) ( John Curtis, LA) Clovis Street Vault (CA), 2010-08-06
B-PV 19 16-03.00 Uhle, Joey (2011) ( Olentangy Liberty, OH) OH D1 Districts (OH), 2010-05-22 (#1)
B-PV 25 16-00.00 Barr, Evan (2011) ( Loyola, CA) Mission League Finals (CA), 2010-05-06 (#1)
B-PV 25 16-00.00 Feazell, John (2011) ( Mansfield, TX) AAU JO Nationals YMYW (VA), 2010-08-07 (#2)
B-PV 25 16-00.00 Gilbert, Regan (2011) ( Harker Heights, TX) TX 5A Region 2 (TX), 2010-05-03 (#3)
B-PV 25 16-00.00 Volz, Drew (2011) ( Bloomington South, IN) IN State Meet (IN), 2010-06-04 (#1)
Again, here are the girls that were probably age eligible:
G-PV 23 12-06.25 Bone, Robin (2012) ( Darien, CT) FCAIC Champs (CT), 2010-05-25 (#1)
G-PV 24 12-06.00 Johnson, Jessie (2012) ( Argyle, TX) AAU District TX Southwestern (TX), 2010-06-12 (#1)
G-PV 24 12-06.00 Wooten, Brittany (2012) ( Tomball, TX) TX 5A State Meet (TX), 2010-05-15 (#1)
G-PV 46 12-04.00 Virdi, Cimran (2012) ( Las Lomas, CA) Diablo Foothill Athletic League Finals (CA), 2010-05-14 (#1)
G-PV 49 12-03.50 Zimmerly, Jeslyn (2012) ( Westview, IN) USATF Youth - Intermediate (IL), 2010-07-04 (#1)
G-PV 50 12-03.00 Braidic, Ellie (2012) ( Pandora-Gilboa, OH) OH Div. 3 State Meet (OH), 2010-06-05 (#1)
G-PV 50 12-03.00 Hotaling, Amanda (2012) ( North Baltimore, OH) OH Div. 3 State Meet (OH), 2010-06-05 (#1)
G-PV 50 12-03.00 Rische, Victoria (2012) ( Foothill, CA) Orange County Champs (CA), 2010-04-24 (#1)
G-PV 50 12-03.00 Stangl, Brittany (2012) ( Watertown, SD) SD 2A State (SD), 2010-05-29 (#1)
G-PV 63 12-01.00 Wieber, Kirstie (2012) ( Pewamo-Westphalia, MI) LSJ Honor Roll Meet (MI), 2010-06-02 (#1)
G-PV 63 12-01.00 Hancock, Hadley-Reed (2012) ( Deerfield-Windsor Academy, GA) Stratford v Deerfield-Windsor (GA), 2010-03-24 (#1)
And here are some girls that are probably not eligible, but a few may have been:
G-PV 1 14-00.00 Leleux, Morgann (2011) ( Catholic New Iberia, LA) Quintana Beach Vault (TX), 2010-06-19 (#1)
G-PV 8 13-01.00 Grove, Emily (2011) ( Pontiac, IL) AAU Area 10 Illinois YMYW (IL), 2010-07-11 (#1)
G-PV 12 13-00.00 Petrillose, Kaitlin (2011) ( Mcneil, TX) TX District 16 - 5A (TX), 2010-04-13 (#1)
G-PV 18 12-08.25 Oleson, Stephanie (2011) ( Henrico, VA) NB Nationals (NC), 2010-06-19 (#5)
Now consider the system. Most US kids do not start vaulting until age 14-15. They are seeing big improvements from year to year. Nearly all of the personal bests set above were set _after_ the selection meet. At the time of the selection meet, many of these athletes may not have known, may not have been qualified, may not have thought they had a chance of being competitive, or just may not have been competitive at that point.
Also factor in that the travel expense to the meet is not a trivial amount for many of these families. And that being right in the middle of the school year, many would not want their students to miss more school than necessary, knowing that they will probably miss a lot of school for the upcoming season.
I understand the difficulty they had in scheduling the meet, but I just do not think it's possible to come close to selecting an international team in early April for a meet in August. I don't think the athletes we sent were our best, but they weren't necessarily that far off the best we had to offer in that age group. However, both came from parts of the country with early track seasons and they obviously peaked months and months ago. Sorry, but the kids who perform best on April 3rd are not going to be the kids who perform the best in mid-August.