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News about pole vault competitions that occur outside the US and international pole vaulters.
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Re: Comments on 2013 WC being awarded to Moscow

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:11 am

[quote="BruceFlorman"]“I am happy that we have won the right to host the 2013 World Championships however I’m very disappointed that I won’t be able to compete in front of my home crowd as I have decided that my last World Championships will be in 2011.â€Â

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Re: Comments on 2013 WC being awarded to Moscow

Unread postby BruceFlorman » Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:39 pm

rainbowgirl28 wrote:I know this is many years off, but isn't it a bit premature for her to be announcing her retirement (I assume she will retire after the 2012 Olympics based on this statement) ?

She's maintained for some time now that she'd call it quits at age 30, get married and start having kids. In fact, I believe she says she wants four of 'em. I suppose that would probably put a bit of a cramp in anybody's vaulting style. ;)

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Isi's 2007 summer competition schedule

Unread postby BruceFlorman » Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:53 pm

This afternoon I noticed that the calendar on Isi's website has been filled out a little more completely. It's still missing Oslo, but I know sometimes the meet organizers ask her manager to hold off on posting things until they make an official announcement, so that may be happening again this time. I'm pretty confident she won't sit out the first Golden League meeting. Anyhow, here's her tentative summer schedule:

Code: Select all

   15 Jun : Oslo      - Bislett Games         (Golden League)
   27 Jun : Ostrava   - Golden Spike
   06 Jul : Paris     - Meeting Gaz de France (Golden League)
   13 Jul : Rome      - Golden Gala           (Golden League)
   03 Aug : London    - London Grand Prix
   07 Aug : Stockholm - DN Galan
26-28 Aug : Osaka     - World Championships
   07 Sep : Zurich    - Weltklasse            (Golden League)
   14 Sep : Berlin    - ISTAF                 (Golden League)
   16 Sep : Brussels  - Memorial Van Damme    (Golden League)
22-23 Sep : Stuttgart - World Athletic Final

And here are links to the websites for (most of) these meets:

Oslo: (Norwegian) (English)

Ostrava: (Czech) (English)

Paris: (French)

Rome: (Italian) (English)

London: (English - not meet specific)

Stockholm: (Swedish) (English)

Osaka: (Japanese) (English)

Zurich: (German) (English)

Brussels: (Dutch, French & English)

Berlin: (German) (English)

Stuttgart: (German, English & French)

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Isi in Mombasa - before and after the announcement

Unread postby BruceFlorman » Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:32 am

This evening I translated a pair of Russian articles regarding the Moscow WC bid presentation and Isi's participation in it. The first was written before the results were announced:
On 26 March of 2007, a correspondent from Vyes sport wrote:Isinbaeva: After the 2012 Olympiad I will finish my career

Multiple world record holder and Olympic champion in the pole vault Yelena Isinbaeva arrived at the meeting of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) in Mombasa in order to support the bid of Moscow to conduct the World Championships in 2011 and 2013. Yelena Isinbaeva herself spoke about her tasks in Mombasa in an interview for the correspondent of "All sport".

“Thus far all I’ve had time to do in Mombasa is have a good sleep,” smiled Yelena Isinbaeva, who flew into Kenya at four thirty in the morning. “Today I’m going to have a talk with all our representatives, with the President of the Federation, Valentin Vasilevich Balakhnichev about tomorrow, to get ready for my appearance. The heat and humidity I’ve already noticed, but this is not the worst. It’s full of insects here, which I fear terribly! But first of all, for me it’s a great honor to be the ambassador of the Moscow 2011 bid, and my trainer Vitaliy Petrov and I especially planned my training schedule so that I would barely rest here, and would relax after my commitments. To receive the World Championships of light athletics - this is certainly possible for Russia and very important for me personally. My goals are to compete in the next two Olympiads in 2008 and in 2012. After 2012 in London I intend to conclude my career. And the World Championships in 2011, if it takes place in Moscow, it will be an outstanding edition of the World Championships. What if Moscow receives the World Championships of 2013? Well, for me it will already be too many years then... I don’t want to speculate, but thus far my plans are so,” stated Isinbaeva.

This next one was written right after the announcement:
On 28 March 2007, in Sovietskiy Sport, Natalya Maryanchik wrote:World Championships in Moscow will pass without Isinbaeva

Yesterday the council of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), assembled in the Kenyan city of Mombasa, decreed that the World Championships of 2013 will take place in Moscow. WC-2011 was awarded to the Korean city of Daegu.

Mombasa met the Russian delegation with a typically African view: sun, palms, monkeys... When one of the macaques hit our VIPs with nuts torn from the trees, it was obvious: it would be complicated here.

We brought an imposing staff to the IAAF council: the President of the All-Russian Federation for Light Athletics, Valentin Balakhnichev, the Vice President of the Olympic committee of Russia Vladimir Vasin, the vice-mayor of Moscow Valery Vinogradov...

Nearer the selections the heavy artillery arrived in the form of Olympic champion, World champion and record holder in the pole vault, Yelena Isinbaeva. Followed by a tail of Korean TV camera men, to whom she cheerfully spoke about the Moscow bid. She only feared, by her own admission, to have errors in her English.

The favorites in the voting became apparent immediately. Designed in the Russian style, with barankas and samovars [bread and tea –BF], the stand of Moscow; and the high-tech tent of Daegu Korea. But here Brisbane and Barcelona apparently figured a beach is more attractive than stuffy stands. On the second day of the council, the Spaniards’ advertising placard was dragged along on the grass. And everyone understood: Barcelona was receding in the distance. And now Russian caviar and vodka drew hurrahs from the council members.

The morning before the presentations was full of nervousness. Isinbaeva, like a student before an examination, studied her text, while the men, having heroically dressed in suits, tried unsuccessfully to escape from the African sun. The tension in the hall was broken by ... matreshkas. As each member of the council received the gift of a Russian nesting doll – a cartoon of himself – all were forced to smile. The President of the European Athletics Association, Hansjörg Wirz of Switzerland, was even a little upset, exclaiming: “Am I really so thick?!”

After the introduction of the deputy chairman of the Moscow sports committee, Aleksey Sorokin, and an introductory film about the sights of Moscow, the microphone passed to Balakhnichev. He spoke about the absolute support of the state, confirmed by personal letter from Vladimir Putin to Lamine Diack, the President of the IAAF, the enormous popularity of light athletics in Russia, the experience of conducting the largest competitions, and the financial guarantee of 69 million dollars... All this clearly impressed the members of council. Balakhnichev then gave way for Vinogradov, who warned the listeners: “I learned English especially for this speech!” The multinational council greeted this admission with applause.

Isinbaeva went decisively to the rostrum, like it was a five-meter jump. Speaking words of an unknown prayer, true, not whispered. She spoke gaily, emotionally, convincingly. She asked the members of the council to fulfill her dream: to perform at the end of her career at the World Championships in 2011 on her native land, in Moscow. The 2012 Games in London must become for Yelena her last.

The Russian delegation had clear preference for 2011. Although we also bid on 2013, according to Vasin, the majority of sponsor contracts currently run through 2011. But primarily, it was simply preferable to host the largest world forum as soon as possible.

After the Russian presentation was completed, the Koreans presented their bid, and then the members of council had dinner and conferred. The Russians aimlessly wandered the hotel. An agonizing three hours passed. It seemed like the whole day. Isinbaeva admitted: “I’m as nervous as before my third attempt at the Olympic Games. Only here, unfortunately, unlike then, I can do nothing about it.”

And here it is, the hall where the decision will be announced. Balconies and white chairs in the colonial style; at the rostrum: IAAF President Lamine Diack. The verdict: the World Championships of 2011 - to Daegu; 2013 to Moscow. Hot embraces among the Koreans and moderate happiness for the Russians.

- We’re a little disappointed now, noted Balakhnichev. We wished for the World Championships to pass in Russia in 2011. It was not to be. The reason: the rotation of continents. 2005: Europe, Helsinki; 2007: Asia, Osaka; 2009: Europe, Berlin, 2011: Asia, Daegu...

“It’s a pity that the World Championships in Moscow will pass without me,” said Isinbaeva, unable to hide her melancholy.

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Re: Comments on 2013 WC being awarded to Moscow

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:55 am

BruceFlorman wrote:She's maintained for some time now that she'd call it quits at age 30, get married and start having kids. In fact, I believe she says she wants four of 'em. I suppose that would probably put a bit of a cramp in anybody's vaulting style. ;)

That's actually really smart of her. Women's fertility starts declining slowly in their late twenties, and sharply around age 35. If she wants 4 kids she had better start by age 30.

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Unread postby BruceFlorman » Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:18 am

It's not really an "update" per se, and not really a particularly flattering cartoon, but while poking around some Russian websites this evening, I found this in the 2006 Athletes Handbook at the IAAF Moscow Regional Development Center.
The caption reads...
Yelena Isinbaeva became the world champion in Helsinki in 2005 and earned 60 000 dollars for the victory and received 100 000 dollars for the new world record 5.01m, well and of course, she received a gold medal!

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Interview from Mombasa

Unread postby BruceFlorman » Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:11 pm

Woo-hoo, another Isinterview™! :) And who knows, after yesterday’s Laureus award, we might get another later in the week. Bus sheesh … the headline they’ve chosen here isn’t exactly stop the presses stuff, is it?
On 03 April 2007, in Sovietsky-Sport, Natalya Maryanchik wrote:Olympic champion Yelena Isinbaeva: I am not averse to winning the Golden League jackpot

Olympic champion Yelena Isinbaeva took several days from her schedule for a visit to Kenya to attend the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) council meeting in order to support Moscow’s bid to conduct the World Championships. During this trip Yelena found time not only for the council members, but also for our newspaper.

- Lena, how were you able to get away to Africa at the height of your training for the summer season?

- I began my training in the middle of March and now I’m already working at full strength. But my trainer, Vitaliy Afanasevich Petrov, had no problem with letting me come to Mombasa. In the end we’re all working toward a common cause. And to appear as the ambassador of Moscow to the IAAF council is a great honor for me. Therefore we simply planned our schedule so that the visit to Africa wouldn’t hurt.

- Before the vote did you believe that the World Championships would take place in Moscow?

- I was absolutely certain of it. It's only a pity it didn’t work out for 2011, which I was particularly counting on. I really expect to finish my career after the 2012 Olympic Games in London, and a domestic World Championships would have been an outstanding point.

- You really won’t decide to stay for even one more year in order to appear in Moscow?

- I’d set my sights on only two more Olympiads – Beijing-2008 and London-2012. And now I simply don’t know what to do. But I think the World Championships in Moscow will most likely take place without me. By 2013 I’ll already be so old! [1]

- Lately your trainer Vitaliy Petrov complains that the increased attention of sponsors and popularity begins to interfere with your training. [2]

- And nevertheless I enjoy the attention. I’m glad to receive invitations to the various events. All this doesn’t prevent training well. Although sport is my priority, without doubt.

- How do you rate your winter season?

- Good as a whole. Right at the start I set a world record at the tournament in Donetsk. This was the goal - to set at least one record, and then – whatever worked out.

- The women’s pole vault is included in the Golden League program this season. Does this give you additional motivation?

- Of course! It’s the first time in the entire history of light athletics the pole has been part of the Golden League. Naturally I’ll try to win all the stages – I’m not averse to winning the jackpot. Especially since my new jumping technique is getting better and better. Now I’ve got almost everything and it’s getting stable. This summer I even plan to go to 18 steps for my takeoff. [3] This is quite scrupulous work, that’s not trivial to do.

- What do you still want to achieve in the sport?

- In the last couple years everything in my life has changed. Now I have just one goal – to repeat and increase everything that I’ve already accomplished. And this gives me strength.

- And you don’t regret that everything turned so sharply then?

- No, not for a second. Leaving Volgograd and changing my trainer gave me new motivation and made my life more colorful. Earlier I never trained in Europe. There was simply no such possibility. But now I live in Monaco, probably the most heavenly corner of the world, and freely travel to any point in Europe. I spend time with people; I learn languages – English and Italian. I have lots of possibilities that I didn’t have earlier in Volgograd. On the whole my life is changing, and only for the better. [4]

- Are you bored at home?

- I’m bored, but I know: I have a long-term mission, nothing else. Time will tell whether I’ll return home or not. But I work and stand only for Russia.

- Do you already have plans for your life after sport?

- I want to remain in sport. To take up administrative work, to pass on my experience to the young, to organize training clinics. Although under no circumstances could I stand becoming a trainer. Indeed, in essence this is the same as being an athlete. The regime, the twice daily training sessions, the nerves. I’ve endured it all so much, and still endure it for the sport, that I simply won’t have sufficient patience and strength.

[1] I hope I don’t get in trouble for this translation. :) She never actually used the Russian word for “old”. A literal translation of her words would be: “In 2013 for me will be already so many years!”

[2] Clearly this is a reference to his grumbling about Adidas making her go to the Millrose Games. :)

[3] So how many steps has she been taking? I suppose I could just dig out some video and count.

[4] I’m glad to see her feeling confident enough to say this openly to the Russian press. In the past she’s always seemed at pains to avoid sounding too happy about living abroad, although I think it’s been obvious to all of us that she’s enjoying the heck out of it. I guess maybe with all she’s been doing with the national federation – she really is the “face” of Russian athletics – it’s okay now for her to admit she’s having fun.
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Two short Petrov articles

Unread postby BruceFlorman » Sun Apr 08, 2007 5:47 am

There were a couple of short blurbs from Vitaliy Petrov in the Russian press on Thursday and Friday:
09:06 05.04.2007
Yelena Isinbaeva will compete in the 2013 World Championships in Moscow after all!

The European, World and Olympic champion, serial pole vault record-setter, Yelena Isinbaeva, in spite of statements about finishing her career after the 2012 games in London, will nevertheless compete in the light athletics World Championships of 2013 in Moscow. Vitaly Petrov, personal trainer of Yelena Isinbaeva, expressed this opinion to “All Sport”, the agency of sport information.

“I think, we’ll nevertheless hold out until the worlds in Moscow,” said Vitaly Petrov. “Yes, Lena says that she’ll finish after London, and this is understandable. She really wanted for Moscow to receive the 2011World Championships. But if it already came out as it did, for a domestic World Championships it’s worthwhile to be detained in the sport for another year. It’s necessary to suffer in order to leave the house with a beautiful victory. However, in sport it’s difficult to speculate about such things. Who knows what will happen through so many years. Time will tell, but so far the 2013 World Championships in Moscow figures in our plans.”

11:48 06.04.2007
Yelena Isinbaeva will open her summer season at the “Golden League” stage in Oslo

The European World and Olympic Games champion, serial world record-setter in the pole vault, Russia’s Yelena Isinbaeva will open her summer season appearances on 15 June at the “Golden League” stage in Oslo. Isinbaeva’s trainer, Vitaly Petrov, described this to “All Sport”, the agency of sport information.

"We’ve already mapped out the summer season in detail,” said Vitaly Petrov. “On 15 June we’ll open in Oslo, then on 2 July at the Grand Prix tournament in Athens. On 6 and 13 July we start in the two Golden League stages in Paris and Rome, and then begin the preparatory period before the World Championships. Here there will be two intervening tournaments on 3 and 7 August in London and Stockholm. But 10 to 12 days prior to the World Championships in Osaka, which start on 25 August, we’ll reduce the load. Then after the worlds we’ll again rejoin the Golden League for Zurich, Brussels and the finale in Berlin on 16 September. Then 22-23 September is the World Athletics Final in Stuttgart. In principle, ideally we’ll finish with this. But I don’t know what agreements we’ll have with the sponsors. Maybe we’ll go to Asia at the end of September, to Shanghai and Daegu. Although this will already create problems with our preparation for the winter World Championships.”

Vitaly Petrov also commented on Yelena Isinbaeva’s record plans. "I no longer want to conjecture. This winter we planned a pair of world records, and came away with only one – in Donetsk. Now Lena’s gone from a simple girl to a real ambassador for light athletics and sports. Besides sports, she has a public life: participation in ceremonies, speeches, and sponsor events. She can no longer allow herself to only jump. And she needs to be reconciled with this, to attempt to reconcile one with the other,” stated Vitaly Petrov.

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Fluff piece on France 24

Unread postby BruceFlorman » Tue May 15, 2007 9:40 am

An AFP article on France 24 ...
Stefano Blin wrote:Kids inspire Isinbayeva to scale new heights

With every title in pole vaulting now in her possession, sultry Russian pin-up Yelena Isinbayeva could be forgiven if her motivation were to wane.

But the "chick with the stick", as she's been dubbed by the sport's promoters, is as fiercely ambitious as ever, drawing her inspiration from children all over the world who want to follow in her footsteps.

"I have achieved a lot, but I have to keep going for the kids," says the 24-year-old, who is busy promoting the Russian city of Sochi's bid for the 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

The world, Olympic and European champion, Isinbayeva was the first woman to clear five metres, and has set 20 world records on her way to becoming the undisputed pole vault queen.

And the gutsy girl from Volgograd, who took up pole vaulting at the age of 15 after being told she was too tall to continue as a gymnast, is as determined as ever to keep raising the bar.

"I get loads of e-mails from children all over the world saying 'You are my idol' and 'I want to be just like you, Yelena', and I take my motivation from that," Isinbayeva told AFP from the Italian Athletics School in Formia, southern Italy, where she is being put through her paces by trainer Vitaly Petrov.

"It's what keeps me going, knowing these children are inspired by what I am doing. That's why I want to break more records and win more titles."

Isinbayeva has no intention of retiring until after the 2012 Olympic games in London, and won't be content until she has surpassed Sergei Bubka's tally of 35 world records in the men's pole vault.

The Ukrainian, who represented the former Soviet Union until 1991, was Olympic champion in Seoul in 1988 and won six consecutive world championship titles in a long and distinguished career.

"Like me, he came from a humble background and showed that anything is possible," says Isinbayeva, whose coach Petrov used to train Bubka. "He was a nobody and now he commands great respect across the world."

Isinbayeva, who is set to defend her title at the world championships in Osaka, Japan in the summer, admitted that training in Italy has its disadvantages.

"The food here is so good - when I first arrived I was eating pasta every day," she says.

"But as an athlete you have to be careful about what you eat, so now I try to do things in moderation. It's difficult though, because it's so tempting; not just the pasta, but the cakes and pastries..."

Twice named IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federation) Female Athlete of the Year, Isinbayeva has brought glamour to one of the less fashionable track and field events, and says it's important to her to look good when competing.

"I always want to look nice, it's all part of putting on a show," she says.

Isinbayeva believes Sochi, a picturesque city situated in the south of Russia on the Black Sea coast, deserves to stage the Winter Games in 2014.

"It would be a huge honour, as Russia has never hosted it before," she says.

"We have a lot of champions in the winter sports, and it would mean so much for them to show off their talent in their home country. It would also bring lots of investment that would create the proper infrastructure for winter sports in Russia, and Sochi is a beautiful place."

Other Russians lending their support to the Sochi bid are the world number two tennis player Maria Sharapova, four-time Olympic swimming champion Alexander Popov and reigning Olympic figure-skating champion Evgeny Plushenko.

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Two Isi blurbs in All Sport

Unread postby BruceFlorman » Mon May 21, 2007 11:42 pm

There are a couple of new Isi blurbs on the Весь Спорт (All Sport) website this week. Nothing of great significance, but it's been a long dry spell, so I'll take anything I can find. :)

Yelena Isinbaeva will have her 25th birthday in Italy
Yelena Isinbaeva, the famous Russian sportswoman, Olympic champion, and multiple world champion and record-breaker in the pole vault, will note her 25th birthday on 3 June in Italy. Vitaly Petrov, coach of the legendary Sergey Bubka, and the personal trainer of Isinbaeva, reported this to “Vyes Sport”, the agency of sport information.

“Lena’s birthday is on 3 June, but I persuaded her not to go anywhere, and to do her celebrating here, in Formia,” said Petrov. “Certainly she would like to go home, to Volgograd, but Lena listened to my reasons: It doesn’t make sense to spend so much time on the road. We’ve begun a very critical period of preparation for the season, and it’s undesirable to skip training sessions now. It’s alright for Lena to lose day celebrating her birthday in Formia, but then she’ll be able to immediately return to the work.”

Yelena Isinbaeva may appear in Moscow this summer!
The Olympic champion and multiple world champion and record-breaker in the pole vault, Yelena Isinbaeva, may compete this year in Moscow on August 5th at the traditional “Russian Challenge” international tournament. Isinbaeva’s personal trainer, Vitaly Petrov, reported this to the agency of sport information “Vyes Sport”

“Indeed, it is possible that Lena will go to the competition in Moscow instead of the Stockholm tournament that we originally scheduled,” said Petrov. “This option is very interesting for us. Lena, with all her titles, has not performed in Moscow for a long time. And to jump at home, before the local fans is very important for her. Still, there are a large number of organizational details which need to be settled. Nevertheless, I think that I will be able to give a final answer to the question, will Isinbaeva jump in Moscow, next week.”

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Petrov says Isi will be very careful this summer

Unread postby BruceFlorman » Thu May 24, 2007 1:23 am

I get the distinct impression that one of the Весь спорт (All sport) correspondents had a twenty minute phone conversation with Petrov this weekend, and will now be dribbling out brief quotes from it for the next two weeks. Oh well, like I said earlier, I’ll take whatever news I can get. Here’s today’s installment.
09:37 23.05.2007 – Light athletics – First stage Golden League of light athletics-2007
Vitaliy Petrov: in the summer season Isinbaeva will be extremely careful

The Olympic champion and multiple world record setter and champion in the pole vault, Russia’s Yelena Isinbaeva, will open her summer season with the first stage of the Golden League series, which will take place in the capital of Norway, Oslo, on 15 June. Her personal trainer, Vitaliy Petrov, spoke about Isinbaeva’s plans to the agency of sport information, “Vyes sport”.

“Preparations for the season are reaching the finish line, and I am completely satisfied by Lena’s present state,” said Vitaliy Petrov. “Everything is going precisely according to our plan – first we mastered the separate elements of the vault, and now we connect everything as a whole. We give more attention to her technique, although I see no problems here. The first start is already soon imminent – on 15 June at the Golden League stage in Oslo. I’ll refrain from making forecasts, since the competition takes place in an open stadium, and the result will depend on many supplemental factors – wind, rain and others. In general, the inclusion of the women’s vault in the Golden League program and the pre-Olympic season make this year’s summer starts extremely critical. If we might have taken risks somewhere earlier, now we need to be as careful as possible and precisely set the height to be unreachable for her rivals. Six Golden League stages, the world championships and the final Grand prix - it will be necessary at all these starts to hold herself somewhat in control, to show exactly the result needed for victory. We have no right to lose.”

The Golden League stages this year will take place: in Oslo (15 June), Paris (6 July), Rome (13 July), Zurich (7 September), Brussels (14 September) and Berlin (16 September). The program consists of 10 light-athletic disciplines - five men’s (100 m, 1500 m, 110 m hurdles, triple jump, javelin) and five women’s (100 m, 400 m, 100 m hurdles, high jump, pole vault). The main prize – 1 million dollars.
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Overdue interview from late April

Unread postby BruceFlorman » Sat May 26, 2007 4:23 am

Well now I really need to figure out what’s up with my Russian language Google alerts, because it appears that this interview has been sitting out there for about a month, and I didn’t find it until yesterday, in spite of actively looking for such things. The article itself doesn’t seem to show a publication date, but I gather that it was written at the end of April. Oh well, it’s better late than never I guess. :o

Edit - Not that it's important, but I've determined that the article was originally posted on the 15th ... still eleven days before I found out about it, but better than a whole month.
Yelena Isinbaeva: When I give up the sport, I fear I’ll suffer “withdrawl”

On April 26th in Moscow, that most famous Russian woman athlete, multiple world champion and record-breaker in the pole vault, Olympic champion Yelena Isinbaeva presented at the fifth annual “Slava” (Glory) awards, and the very next day she resumed training in her customary rhythm at the base in Formia Italy. In an exclusive interview with IA “Sportcom” she stated that she plans to establish at least one new world record this summer and to compete at the 2012 Olympics in London.

- Why did you decide to interrupt your training schedule and come to Moscow?

- In the first place, the managers of Rossport asked me to present at the annual “Slava” awards ceremony, and in the second place, this is very interesting to me personally. Naturally, my trainer Vitaliy Petrov and I thoroughly planned my training beforehand and only then did I leave for Moscow.

- Ever more frequently you find a "window" in your schedule to act in the capacity of a public figure. We get the impression that your social and political future is already not far off...

- I understand clearly that sport is not eternal, and for me it remains to jump at most until the 2012 Olympics in London. Therefore, thinking about the future, I look for the kind of work that I’d like to do after sport, and I try many different things. But only such that it doesn’t interfere with my primary goals. I’ve made my debut in the role of a presenter. Maybe sometime I’ll have my own television talk show? But when I flew to Kenya a month ago to attend the congress of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), where Moscow obtained the 2013 World Championships, I took on a representative role. There, in Mombassa, in my own sphere, I felt very comfortable. This August, the President of the All-Russian Federation for Light Athletics (VFLA) Valentin Balakhnichev and I will be candidates for major positions in the management organs of the IAAF - for the council and the athletes’ commission respectively.

- Balakhnichev supports you, and you him?

- Valentin Vasilievich does a lot for me. And generally he has very many ideas, which, if they are realized, will help with the development of our light athletics and the attraction of new sponsors. Therefore I was happy to learn about his nomination to the IAAF council and about the fact that the VFLA had specifically recommended me for the athletes’ commission of this organization. This is very prestigious. I don’t pretend that my designation is of vital importance, but to work with them, to gain experience in international contacts and to pass along my experience, is interesting to me in any event. But now, I repeat, I enjoy trying myself in different areas. It’s like a breath of fresh air. So far I don’t know exactly what I’d like to do. But sport will end, and then evidently I’ll end up where the wind will blow.

- What is the difference between the girl in Volgograd, who ran to training every day in sneakers, and Isinbaeva the superstar of world sport?

- This June I’ll be 25 years old. I’ve become independent and confident in myself. Earlier I never went abroad by myself, inevitably got lost at the airport, and wouldn’t go to a store alone. Now I travel freely, I go to restaurants, freely express myself in English and a little in Italian. I have no problems with social contact and because of my complete financial independence I can allow myself much that I could not allow earlier. In other words, I’ve become self-sufficient. And that changes everything.

- What’s changed in your approach to your profession?

- Vitaliy Petrov and I put together a clear plan for my training and departures. From the side, it probably seems that I go here, there and everywhere. However, everything is clearly planned out. I flew to Moscow from Monaco, and the next day I’m already training in Italy, in Formia.

- When will we see you with a pole and without high heels?

- My first official start is set for June 15th in Oslo, where the first stage of the Golden League will take place. In August I’ll compete in the World Championships in Osaka. My goals, as usual, are the maximum.

- You definitely intend to jump until the Olympiad in London?

- That’s no joke. Yes, London is a long way off, but I want to “have a life”. True, I don’t know what will happen in the interval... But in 2012 I’ll be 30 years old. Whatever lies ahead in my life doesn’t stand in the way of my main purpose, vaulting – this is my job. I want to leave the sport, one hundred percent realized and with a feeling of deep satisfaction. Athletes will understand what I’m talking about. When this happens, I’ll quit right away. But I’m still jumping, which means it hasn’t happened yet.

- Will you jump only while no serious competitors appear?

- I don’t consider that I have none now. When there are no rivals, everything gets stale. Without the sharpness and agitation it’s boring. But of course new rivals will show up any minute now. For example, our Yulia Golubchikova, who finished third at the European championships. I think she’ll get to 4.80 or 4.90 this year.

- Is the period of adaptation to your new trainer finished?

- In the area of interpersonal relations – it’s finished. Yes, and the fruits of the technical overhaul of my vault are already visible. If I was still learning in 2006, then now I work on the details, to consolidate the technical innovations and to make them automatic. The winter world record in Donetsk of 4 m 93 cm is confirmation of this. The reconstruction still continues. But there’s no limit to perfection in the technical forms. In them it’s possible to polish technique to infinity.

- Which do you enjoy more: pole vaulting or participating in public affairs?

- Honestly?

- Total honesty.

- Pole vaulting. Because of the sport I travel all over the world; I’m accepted at a higher level; everything’s paid for; I feel the love of the people everywhere. It’s so wonderful. In what other circumstances is it possible to experience this? And the emotions of a conqueror? And the thrill of the anthem? I fear the time when I’ll have to leave the sport. See, I’m like a junkie, accustomed to these specific sensations. How will it be to suddenly not have them anymore? No doubt withdrawal awaits me. And how I’ll get over it then, I can’t even imagine. In what other occupation, besides sport, will it be possible to experience similar feelings? Therefore, the nearer I get to the end of my career, the more I begin to value every appearance and every training session.

- Give an example of a reception arranged for you when arriving in one country or another that particularly impressed you.

- There are lots of them. But the reception the South Koreans arranged in my honor last year perhaps ranks first. At the city airport, where I arrived for the competitions, I was met by six bodyguards. it seemed simply unreal to me. They took me to the hotel. The room, of course, was super-luxury. It was as if they met not a sportswoman, but a baroness. And each tried to oblige me in every way. I was in total shock. I asked why so many bodyguards on the alert? It’s necessary, they answered. Later I understood why, when they arranged an encounter for me with the fans. We arrived in the center of the city, and my posters were hung up everywhere and the red carpet was out. This is for you, they said. And the people – an unbelievable number. As if a singer-superstar arrived. It began to shake me up, and then I understood why they assigned six bodyguards to me. It’s too bad there weren’t more, because once I was surrounded by them, I thought these enthusiastic fans will tear me to pieces. I’ll never forget it.

- And if you were a super-record-breaker and super-champion, but not so beautiful...

- No, I assume it would not be such madness. Certainly I’ve thought about this more than once. It’s not without reason they say beauty is a terrible force. Various organizers have told me to my face: It’s not important to us how you jump, the main thing is that you’re beautiful. But for me these words are not a compliment. It would be more pleasant for me if they said: You jump so wonderfully and are beautiful as well...

- Beauty must be maintained.

- It comes naturally for me, so a lot of work isn’t necessary. Of course I visit salons, but not frequently. All procedures I do at home myself. I prefer popular folk recipes for my own care. These days I generally use what everyone loves: strawberries, cucumbers, yolks. Masks from these products are good. And all creams, by the way, are based on these. But I use decorative cosmetics very moderately.

- Do you have a preference for specific brands of clothing?

- I like the Italian “Dolce and Gabbana” and “Valentino”...

- You don’t buy non-brand-name things?

- No-no, I buy them. It’s just that in the big stores it’s possible to pick up everything right away. I haven’t liked to combine things from different producers for a long time. Since there are many trips where I need to put forth the proper image, I can go into any big chain boutique, and immediately pick up everything there: from the dress to the shoes to the bag. And it’s not a headache. But if, shall we say, I go into a store and see a beautiful blouse, then naturally I’ll buy it. I don’t purposely chase labels for labels sake.

- When will you compete again in Russia?

- Not soon. Maybe next year at the “Moscow challenge”.

- And are there any summer world records in your plan for the present season?

- Of course. A record is one of my primary goals for the forthcoming season. And these are not empty ambitions. If I could no longer jump to record heights, I wouldn’t feel unrealized potential in myself, and I’m not ready speak about this. Naturally, I want to establish at least one record. And at most... as many as I can.

Anatoliy Kuznetsov, IA “Sportcom”

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Last edited by BruceFlorman on Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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