taliek wrote:This is just a little survey to know what type of training did you use to increase you pole vault running speed down the runway ?
and the other for consistancy or running posture ?
(give as much detail as you can distance / rep / intensity and with or without a pole...)
Run with the pole is always a lower intensity impact then regular sprint exercises. In my training system, the regular sprint exercises are the key to increasing the overall sprinting abilities. Training with the sprint squad in college or any other team will give you the best foundational speed training.
The pole runs always have adaptation of an existing level of speed to the vault event. The values of the pole run training are:
Build muscle corset to sustain pole weight resistance at the maximum speeds
Perfect plant jump action to minimize speed loses during the plant
Develop most efficient rhythm pattern that would allow you to achieve the maximum take-off speed.
In my opinion if you are running max speed with pole in the pole run exercises you are training #1 muscle corset to sustain pole resistance at maximum speed. You are not training the maximum speed, because the lover speed impact (during the pole runs) does not stimulate increase in absolute cadence, reaction time, etc. Things like that affect absolute speed. However full speed pole runs are vital, but should be put in the proper perspective.
The exercises that dj described are very helpful in building rhythm pattern, but would affect absolute natural speed only in the small degree. Such exercises, in my opinion, should be used extensively for rhythm building purposes.
However, the King of natural speed adaptation in the vault are running plant exercises. Again, in my opinion, the lack of consistency or errors in the performance of the plant is the leading cause for the slowing and over striding at the take-off.
In my opinion the focus on absolute speed vs adaptation should be about at the following percentage of the total sprint preparation for different age groups:
Age Speed% Adapt %
<18 70% 30%
18-22 50% 50%
Pro 30% 70%