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Vaulting Exercises

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 2:08 pm
by depvaulter
I started pole vaulting recently, and was wondering if there were any technique and/or strength drills that I could do at home. I do have a slide box to use, but not always a pole. Thanks for the help!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 3:44 pm
by izzystikchik
When i'm out of season, and have a lot of free time with out any pole vaulting equipment, I made a make-shift pole from some electric equipment, its a pole probably used for working with telephone wires. It feels kinda like a pole. Its about 6 feet long, and can extend to be 11 feet long when unscrewed to its full length.

Anyway, i would bring it to a neighbor hood track with me (early in the morining of coarse) and after my running work outs i would practice holding the pole, running with the pole, shifting on the right step, work on the pull and turn. I also convinced my parents to put up a chin up bar in my room in my closet :yes: i can't begin to say how much that has allowed me to support my body weight. If you look around on this site there are a couple of posts about this topic, if you go to these sites :yes: they are excellent at explaining what you can do:

good luck with your training! ;)