Tendonitis Help

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Tendonitis Help

Unread postby bvpv07 » Sun Mar 06, 2005 5:12 pm

I'm looking for some help or advice from anyone who has had tendonitis in their foot or has just dealt with it before. My podiatrist said that I had tendonitis when I explained to him that I was having a lot of pain through the inner arch (on the side of my foot from below the ankle and then along the side) as well as on the outside of my foot (again, below my ankle and extending a bit along the side of my foot) whenever I basically rolled my foot around, went up on toe, put pressure on the foot, or ran. I started noticing it about 4 weeks ago, and it's been getting worse. I've had x-rays and nothing showed up on them. The foot is, unfortunately, the one that I jump off of when I plant. When I do put pressure on it after a vault (I tend to block the pain out when I'm vaulting), the pain is sharp at first and then just goes into a pretty constant pain. In an attempt to help solve this problem, I've used ice...I'm now using more heat since a few of the people that I talked to thought that it might be linked to tight muscles in my calf, etc...taping (which seems to make it worse), arch support inserts in my shoes and spikes, an interferential unit, and reduced vaulting and running. I was also on a pretty high motrin regimen for 2 weeks which did NOTHING (I think that I'm immune to that stuff). So, any advice on anything that may help would be greatly appreciated, as I am an anxious high schooler who really wants to vault well this season!

Sorry for the long post...just kind of frustrated.

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Unread postby PVPirate26 » Sun Mar 06, 2005 6:01 pm

i had tendonitis in my ankle a few years ago and my doctor got me going on physical therapy. it can be a little time consuming (and costly!) but it helped me out a lot. it might be a good thing for you to look into, and you can continue with your season while simultaneously doing physical therapy. hope that helps!!

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Unread postby CHC04Vault » Sun Mar 06, 2005 6:03 pm

Honeslty, it sound more like u have planter faciitis, in which the Tendons from the head of ur femur to the metecarpals are inflammed and/torn, or a combo of the both. DON'T HEAT IT, it makes it worse, just ice it, constantly, massge it with a golf ball, or stick a water bottle in the freezer and roll it under ur foot. Or u can do what i did and stuck golf balls in the freezer. If that still dosn't go away, see ur doctor again and see if u can get ultra-sound therapy (it was apporved by the FDA like a lil more than a year ago) in which the only down side is if ur ticklish ur gonna love it.
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Unread postby bvpv07 » Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:35 am

I am doing physical therapy right now actually, probably going in for an hour+ about every 2 weeks (every week when I'm really hurting...let's just say that I have just a few injuries that I've been dealing with this year), and he's doing ultrasound on it as well as some massage. I had one person tell me that it might be plantar facitis, but then I was doing some research on the symptoms today and I'm pretty sure that it's posterior tibial tendonitis. The explanation said that the pain was from the navicular joint and then through the foot, and I had gone in with previous pain because my navicular joint was jammed/locked....I got that figured out and this pain started up. So, I'm figuring that, when the joint was locked, the tendon that attaches to it became inflamed, leading me to the tendonitis. I'll stop doing heat and will just do a lot of icing. I'm considering trying to take a week of from being on my feet (kind of frustrated because it would mean that I would miss two meets :mad: ) and just doing drills and conditioning, as well as some excercises and stretches that I found for it. If it's good, then I would be able to test it out on a smaller meet before a week of training and a big meet.

Thanks for your suggestions...anything else to relieve the pain would be great!

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Unread postby CHC04Vault » Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:44 am

If your gonna take a week off, might as well make take it totally off, nothing, just streches and lots of ice, unless u have onna those arm windy thingies (i dunno what they are called but i was on that thing for 9 weeks once) also, if u have had pain in before u could have alot of scare tissue build up so ultra sound will def help it but it might take awhile and continue with it even after you feel no pain (ultra sound is a modern wonder). Just be patient (which is easier said then done) and everythign will fall in place. Btw thank u for asking about this, i was startin to wonder why im in pre-med, lol
"Good my jump, it will be done" Bubka

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