Ankle Injuries

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Ankle Injuries

Unread postby wakesurfvault » Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:03 am

I have been having some recurring ankle injuries recently. Mostly they are just minor neusances and i didnt worry about them much, but lately i have gotten some where i couldnt run w/o pain. I havn't been landing weird on them or anything, they just seem to appear. I was wondering if there is anything i can do to prevent these, and if they do reappear what should I do to get back to vaulting asap. Thanks

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Unread postby Vault&Flip » Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:25 am

Ice, Ice, Ice. I get some pain in my takeoff ankle mostly from minor ankle twists and turns over the years. You may have some scar tissue built up in your ankle and the pounding aggravates it. If you can pinpoint a specific point when it bothers you you can try to correct the problem if there is one. If not, you should probably take time off or take it easy and keep icing.

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Re: Ankle Injuries

Unread postby Skyin' Brian » Tue Feb 15, 2005 11:51 am

wakesurfvault wrote:I have been having some recurring ankle injuries recently. Mostly they are just minor neusances and i didnt worry about them much, but lately i have gotten some where i couldnt run w/o pain. I havn't been landing weird on them or anything, they just seem to appear. I was wondering if there is anything i can do to prevent these, and if they do reappear what should I do to get back to vaulting asap. Thanks

consult your athletic trainer, then make sure to do whatever he or she says and get treatment every day if necessary.

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Unread postby wakesurfvault » Thu Feb 17, 2005 8:19 pm

I have no atheltic trainer, but its been a few days since my ankles started hurting and i dont see any swelling, does this mean i should stop icing it? I've heard that if there's no swelling that you should heat. There's still some lingering pain but hopefully this long weekend will allow it to heal. Once they do stop is there anything i should be doing to strenthen them or something in order to prevent it from reoccuring?? thanks

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Unread postby bvpv07 » Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:55 am

Is it only in your ankle?
I was having a ton of pain where the bones of the foot kind of met up with the ankle was hurting to run, go up onto toe, really to put any weight onto the foot. It turned out that my navicular (sp?) joint was jammed and all of the pressure that was put on my foot ended up being put there. My pt unlocked that still hurts (but in a different place due to inflamation of the muscles in that area) but the effect upon the joint was instantly apparent. My advice is to try to find a good pt...the whole process of going through 20 doctors in 2 months and still not knowing what is wrong with you sucks. :(

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now heal this

Unread postby wubka » Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:43 pm

An unhealed (no pun) stress fracture to my takeoff ankle ended my career. My advice to all vaulters is to get an MRI with any ankle injury. If you're near LA, USC has one of the best ankle orthopods.

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