lifting weights

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lifting weights

Unread postby fong520 » Tue Jul 20, 2004 5:30 pm

any of u here lift weights?.. im trying to start and i dont kno wat to do exactly.. this is not specifically for running or for pole vault. i just want to get bigger.. heh u kno.. for them ladies ahha.(casue well no one likes small skinny stick-like people like me) .but i think that if i got bigger in general it would have to help my running and vaulting in some way.
o well i was wondering if any of u could help me out with like workouts and stuff that u do, how often u do much time between sets, etc.
if u could post here or aim me on runfongvault or email to that would be great
i run, therefore im buff.

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Unread postby jhesch » Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:30 pm

tryin to get bigger wouldnt be your best bet for helpin polevault, the goal is to get as strong and fast as you can while adding least amount of weight. your best bet is to stick with low rep heavy weight sets, id say w/ emphasis on shoulders and back and legs. and as for the ladies, charisma and humor will get you a lot farther then 10 more pounds on the scale. :yes:

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Re: lifting weights

Unread postby Beam » Thu Jul 22, 2004 11:31 am

fong520 wrote:casue well no one likes small skinny stick-like people like me)

Sure they do!!! Just use me as your example. . .I weigh 150 pounds out of season and ride a 6-1 shortboard in knee high surf better than most. I weight 155 in season (after lifting, drinking plenty of shakes, and eating a ton). . . my pole series is roughly 19.0, 18.5, 18.0, 17.5 on 490's, gripping around 15'6-15'9, and my pb is 5.40. . . and I'm told that chicks dig me because I look Elven, or like Orlando Bloom, Owen Wilson, or just your average white guy.
But seriously. . . if you are starting to lift weights, your best bet would be to get a couple of books that can help you design your own program. Creating a lifting workout is easy. has nutritional info, as well as types of lifting exercises to encorporate into your program. At On Track, you can buy a book called The Encyclopedia of Weight Lifting that teaches a person how to design a program for in-season and off-season weight training. Included in the book is also more scientific reasoning behind the programs, which is always a good thing to know a little about when approaching a training program. And also try to remember that you can do things in gymnastics that will give you the right type of strength to help you with vaulting. Also, note that scientist don't know how muscles really work. . . there are theories as to how they work, but as far as I know, it's still an unknown based on theory. They do know, however, that muscles are controled by your brain, so try training your brain to use your muscles efficiently. . . meaning technique is beneficial to your gains. I hope this helps.
"If you don't want to be
a deadbeat like me,
I won't blame you." Owen

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