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Getting ready for state

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 11:45 pm
by sploit
Well the season is coming to an end (as is my high school career), and I want to finish it off strong. Lately I have been dropping off in my vaults and haven't been doing as well as I was earlier in the year.

So here's the problems ....

I've been getting very sore after workouts. Does anyone have any remedies for muscle aches or pulled groins. I'm up to about 6 ibueprofen a day.

My steps are no longer as consistent as they were. I'm just not as consistend anymore. I've been working on using a mid-mark, but it is very distracting. Any suggestions on keeping steps consistent?

My plant is not as explosive as it was earlier in the year. I usually jump on a 13'6 170 (I weigh about 142) and I was blowing through it, but now I have trouble making it into the pit. I've tried jumping on smaller poles, but they don't uncoil fast enough and I get off too early.

gah ... 4 days until state, I have a shot at it if I can put everything together. Any tips or suggestions would be extremely welcomed.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 12:08 am
by tim hutzley
The same thing was starting to happen to me and I ended up only doing the height that I opened at at cif finals so Im out now. Super sucks. I still got one more year in HS, and Next year Im going 17. :yes:

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 12:19 am
by swtvault
Best thing you can do to end your career on a high note is to ease up on the workouts. Stay active, but keep the workouts light. There is nothing you can gain from now untiil state. Letting your body recover will let you become stronger than you were before (and healthier!) Remember, intense workouts damage muscle, and rest is where you rebuild and become stronger. Keep that in mind.


Re: Getting ready for state

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 1:51 am
by rainbowgirl28
sploit wrote:I've been getting very sore after workouts. Does anyone have any remedies for muscle aches or pulled groins. I'm up to about 6 ibueprofen a day.

Time off! Not really an option since it is almost state, but just do reallly light workouts until then

My steps are no longer as consistent as they were. I'm just not as consistend anymore. I've been working on using a mid-mark, but it is very distracting. Any suggestions on keeping steps consistent?

The mid mark shouldn't be a distraction. It's not something for you to look at, it is for the coach or a teammate to catch.

You sound like you've had a long season and your body is beat up. If you want to jump this summer, take 2-3 weeks off before you get back into it.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 6:11 pm
your letting your mind play into it to much....... just relax and vault like you know how.....dont think about marks or anything elsxe besides the past ive had alot of problems with the same thing mid-season i just start having my steps be off and other annoying problems.....ive just found that relaxing and not thinking about anything but having fun will work just fine:D

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 7:13 pm
by fong520
get some protein in ya to help ur muscles recover faster i think..