got some fast pain relief!

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got some fast pain relief!

Unread postby byucougars05 » Tue Apr 27, 2004 10:13 pm

HEY GUYS!! tiger balm is soooo sweet!!! i just used it today and i was thinken that it probibly wouldn't do mucho, but it totally helped! if anyone has aches and pains pick ur-self up some of that stuff! :D
hey what was that!?! well it was suposed to be a 360, but it turned into a 180 and munch! AIMEE*HAFEN

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Unread postby saraf » Wed Apr 28, 2004 8:39 pm

how about oxy cotton?? i hear that stuff is a good pain kinner... too bad it is illigal ... and i said i HEARD its a good pain killer

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Unread postby RoySloppy » Wed Apr 28, 2004 8:51 pm

OC's arent illegal, they are prescription, but don't take unless perscribed, one of the most addictive drugs, they mess your whole life up, bad
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Unread postby Russ » Wed Apr 28, 2004 8:53 pm

I've used DMSO w/varying degrees of success. Actually, it works really, really well. But the last time I used it (mid-February) for a sore groin muscle I think I used it too liberally and ended up with a rash that itched like the bejesus. In fact here it is almost May and it is still a little itchy where I used that stuff. So if you try it don't over-do it.

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Re: got some fast pain relief!

Unread postby vaultmd » Wed Apr 28, 2004 9:13 pm

byucougars05 wrote:HEY GUYS!! tiger balm is soooo sweet!!! i just used it today and i was thinken that it probibly wouldn't do mucho, but it totally helped! if anyone has aches and pains pick ur-self up some of that stuff! :D

2 billion chinese can't be wrong! Some of my first memories are of my parents tormenting me with that stuff . . .

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Re: got some fast pain relief!

Unread postby blazerunner121 » Wed Apr 28, 2004 9:52 pm

2 billion chinese can't be wrong! Some of my first memories are of my parents tormenting me with that stuff . . .[/quote]

hahaha, same with me. ;)

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Unread postby byucougars05 » Wed Apr 28, 2004 10:21 pm

hahaha :D
hey what was that!?! well it was suposed to be a 360, but it turned into a 180 and munch! AIMEE*HAFEN

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Unread postby byucougars05 » Wed Apr 28, 2004 10:22 pm

saraf wrote:how about oxy cotton?? i hear that stuff is a good pain kinner... too bad it is illigal ... and i said i HEARD its a good pain killer

haha right on
hey what was that!?! well it was suposed to be a 360, but it turned into a 180 and munch! AIMEE*HAFEN

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