Good meet warm-up?

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PV Nerd
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Good meet warm-up?

Unread postby trayoates » Tue May 31, 2011 7:21 pm

This last saturday i went to a very large meet with 20+ vaulters. I warmed up about an hour and a half before i jumped which usually consists of plyos and walking stretches. by the time i came in, i was exhausted and was battling through a lower back injury so i only got 12'. I feel that if i had warmed up properly i would have jumped a foot higher. what is a good pre-meet warm up, and when should i start it? and is doing a little bit of jump rope a good warm up to get the jitters out of my legs?

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Re: Good meet warm-up?

Unread postby bel142 » Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:06 am


obviously there are different types of warm ups, things that work for me may not work for you... so just keep that in mind.

For me, I like to start warming up 90 min before the scheduled start time (this all takes about 10-15 min of easy movement)
First I do some bare foot feet strengthening,
then get shoes on, light skipping, with swinging arms to warm up shoulders and gets the blood moving
Dynamic/ballistic stretching warm up,
Sprint tec

(about an hour before comp) I like to get on the runway the second the official lets me because if there are 20+ I can get all the short stuff done before lots of guys get on the run way beucsae once every one is on the runway, you may only get 2-3 trips down the run way... Get poles out, get onto the runway, do a few 2 left swing ups... one or two short run jumps... then back to full run....

If you are passing the first few bars or the comp is going slow, sit... take your shoes off relax, stay focused but try not to expend energy, then about every 15 min just go for a short jog or light strider, then sit back down... make sure you have your warm ups on to keep muscles warm. You don't need to be completely bundled, just a light long sleev shirt on will take care of your legs too, or light pants will take care of your arms...

When the bar you're coming in at is almost there, get spikes on....
When you are in the mix five jumpers away, go do a couple of pole runs to get lose, get your head right.
then get on the runway.

Hope that helps,

PV Nerd
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Re: Good meet warm-up?

Unread postby trayoates » Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:33 pm

thanks!! that really does help a lot and ill be using that at this huge meet on the 11th. ill let you know how it goes!

PV Nerd
Posts: 71
Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 5:49 pm
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Re: Good meet warm-up?

Unread postby trayoates » Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:57 pm

YESSS!!!!!! i PRd by 11"!!!! i jumped 13'5"! that warm up worked so well! thank you!!

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