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Summer Training

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 10:29 pm
by mtss
I'm a junior in HS, I jump 12'0, and I’m looking for some advice. This spring season, I have been quite disappointed with my jumping performance and want to fix it. I've decided to dedicate my entire summer to training and have a general idea of what i need to work on, but i don't know or have any specifics. My main focus is becoming more flexible and getting faster because my speed is looking a little suspect and my flexibility is even worse. I am going to work on everything else though too, so my whole body gets stronger and my form gets better.
Here’s what I was planning to do:
3x 30m, 50m, and 100m @ full sprint (rest time?)
Agility work (ladders)
Stadium stairs (possibly working up to stadium buddy carries)
Buddy carries
Box jumps/plyos
Lots of abs work
Handstands => walking on hands => handstand pushups
Running/high knees thru water (also other water resistance training)
Going to a PV club 2x/wk. (already attending)
Upper body/Lat strengthening
Summer meets
I feel like I’m missing some things, so if you notice anything critical that I’m missing please tell me. In addition to these things I was going to lift. However, I have read contrasting opinions about lifting, even among users of this site. Some people said you shouldn’t do it, but you should do plyos and gymnastics. Those that said you should lift said to do low volume / high intensity lifting with only compound exercises. I guess what I want to get out of this is: if I do lift what muscles should I target / specific exercises should I do (exercise, sets, reps)? Finally, what I’m trying to get out of this whole thing is: What do you think of this outline, do you have any suggestions, can you provide any specifics, and lastly can you share your experiences, both good and bad, or tips to lead me down the right path?

Re: Summer Training

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 10:50 pm
by rainbowgirl28
Your number one priority should be getting more pole vault training in. Going to a club is awesome, you may also want to check around and see what camps are in your area this summer. Even if you are at a really great club, it can sometimes be helpful to have other coaches tell you the same things in different ways.

Your training should be structured in a way to make sure you have enough energy for pole vault practice.

Re: Summer Training

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 2:20 am
by altius
Just make sure you complete at least 3000 plant drills -not into the box - by then end of the summer. Also make sure that you do 12/15 pole runs every week during that period -also away from the box. You are definitely over emphasizing the physical conditioning side of things. :yes:

Re: Summer Training

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 12:59 pm
by jcoover
Pole runs, pole runs, pole runs.

Forget all of the "full sprint" stuff for now... that can come in the winter and spring. Stadium stairs are fine for explosiveness but don't do too many and throw out those buddy carries. Ab work is good and if you can get into a gymnastics room that would be even better. Also, throw out the "upper body and lat strengthening". A lot of young vaulters spend too much time worrying about how much they can bench press and curl and forget that these things can often limit your ability to position yourself well at the box and complete the vault actively!

Also, remember to have fun! The things that I do in training are part of what makes the event so fun to me. I thoroughly enjoy every moment that I spend in training, and I have found that to be extremely beneficial!


Re: Summer Training

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 1:42 pm
by mtss
Also, throw out the "upper body and lat strengthening". A lot of young vaulters spend too much time worrying about how much they can bench press and curl and forget that these things can often limit your ability to position yourself well at the box and complete the vault actively!

I realize that bench and curls don't help jump very much, but won't having more upper body strength (back, triceps, shoulders) help with staying strong in the plant, swing speed, and getting off of the top of the pole?

What types of things would I do in a gymnastics room?

Also, the strength/speed/flexibility training is in addition to working on my form, jumping at my club, and competing.

Re: Summer Training

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 8:43 pm
by yankee814
mtss wrote:What types of things would I do in a gymnastics room?

:yes: these are composing a little more than 3/4 of my summer strength training

As a current high schooler also, we're in the same boat. I'm doing mostly the stuff in that link, adding in squats, rdl's, basic pull ups, hand stands w/ walks and push ups, and a few other minor things

Gymnastics training should definitely be the main focus though, along with isolating different parts of the vault and doing thousands of repetitions of each (pole runs, plants, ground work, etc.)

These guys know what they're doing, they'll point you in the right direction

Re: Summer Training

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 12:47 pm
by rainbowgirl28
mtss - What are your maxes for whatever lifts you have done before? Or what is the most you have lifted (for example, you cleaned 125 lbs 3 times)? What are your PRs in other track events?

When you look at the big picture, you gotta identify the weak links in the chain. Pole vault technique and practice is always number one, because doing it will make most people stronger in the right places, and will make your average HS kid a little faster.

But if you are slow, doing sprints to get faster will help. But if you are already pretty fast, then that is probably not going to make a big difference in your vault, and while you should still sprint SOME, you will want your focus to be elsewhere.

If you are really weak, getting in the weight room can be pretty beneficial if you do the right kinds of lifts, but if you're already really strong, the time would be better spent focusing on more advanced gymnastics moves.

Re: Summer Training

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:14 pm
by mtss
the biggest weak point in my jump is my speed. my technique also needs work. As far as strength goes, i have enough to get the job done but i would like to be stronger, and i think that as long as i keep a relatively high strength to weight ratio there is no reason for me not to work on it. I definitely need to make my legs and abs stronger though.

I'm not sure what my maxes for lifts are because I haven't lifted for a while, and I don't do any other events.

Re: Summer Training

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 5:41 pm
by mtss
As far as gymnastics facilities, should i just search for some in my area? Do I need to join a gymnastics club?

Re: Summer Training

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 8:45 pm
by powerplant42
You need two solid posts, two holes, a strong bar, and a way to attach that bar to the posts.

Then you can make all the gym equipment you'll need. :yes:

Re: Summer Training

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 2:09 pm
by mtss
After I make the bar, should i just watch the videos to try and learn how to do the different high bar exercises?

Re: Summer Training

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 3:01 pm
by powerplant42
You need video for some things. You need a coach for others (MOST).