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pre-season workouts

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 6:14 pm
by bjvando
What are the types of workouts that everyone is doing for the pre-season? Lifting ( how many days a week, times of lifting, types of lifting) and is everyone running, im assuming so... what type of running and stuff like that... im just curious..

hopefully everyone is working hard....

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 7:03 pm
by OAKPV2004
Working out 10 times a week, twice a day mon-fri.

Weights (basic lifts, Power Cleans, Bench, Squat) on Mon, Tues, and Fri mourning.

Running "sprinting" workouts Tues, Thurs. mournings.

Plyometrics and a little running Tues,and Thurs afternoons, and...

...Short run vaulting at least once a week. from equal too or less than 10 steps.

I have been on this for about 2 months and still going until december, might change it up a bit then by adding more vaulting. Im getting awesome results so far . :devil:

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 12:28 am
by keelowman
For me I have been doing a lot of speed work, over the last two years I had bulked up to much and came down the runway slow. So now I am in a month session which is conditioning my legs and body to not only run fast but to recover fast as well. These workouts also are working on some stamina.
As of the gym right now it is lifting only a couple of times a week, kind of up keep on the muscles.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 12:32 pm
by dorseygirl28
Well , bro came down from MSU and showed me some workouts and it goes like this

Mon- sprints, lift light weight, push-ups and sit-ups
Tue- lift heavy weights
Wed- heavy warm-up and then vault
Thursday- sprints and hard warm-up
Fri- weights, light sprints
Sat- off
Sun- practice for pv for 2 1/2 hours

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 3:28 pm
by OUvaulterUSAF
6 sets of 12 oz arm curls each night ;)


Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 5:03 pm
by jmayesvaultmom
Sounds like a pretty good workout to me! Do you do a double workout on weekends? hahaha

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 7:17 pm
by rainbowgirl28
I workout too much right now, but I can't do much about it. I'll be in great shape by Christmas :P

Ride bike 2.5 miles to school
Lift weights
Some type of activity in my Teaching Fitness Methods class
Track Practice
Ride bike home

Ride bike to school
For the next month I have a track class, then it will be tumbling until the end of the term.
Track Practice
Ride bike home

Oh yeah and if I am in town on Sundays I usually play around and vault a little with the track club.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 7:25 pm
by Robert schmitt
rainbowgirl28 wrote:Ride bike 2.5 miles to school

come on Becca, last summer I was riding 37 mi. to practice on thur and 37mi back.

2.5 is much better for a pole vaulter though. :o

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 7:27 pm
by Lord of the Poles
MWF I'm practicing at Captain Practices here...TR I'm just sitting around with my gf...haha

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 9:54 pm
by rainbowgirl28
Robert schmitt wrote:come on Becca, last summer I was riding 37 mi. to practice on thur and 37mi back.

2.5 is much better for a pole vaulter though. :o

Yeah I guess it could be worse :P

It's all worth it at the end of the day when I zoom by all the gridlocked traffic. I get home faster now.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 12:46 am
by theflyingkorean
I only work out 2 days a week, but I am going to start to do more.

Running Mechanics (ie: Askips, etc.)
Box jumps on varying plyo boxes up to 48"
Clean Complex (Changes week to week, ie: squat, snatch)
Clean Pulls
Lat Press
Front Squat
Med Ball Stuff( Partnered sometimes)
Ab isolations with arix pads.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 3:01 pm
by dstarkey
Here is a page right out of my workout plan.


I. Warm-up: 800m jog

II. Hurdle Drills (10 hurdles x 2 sets each) Over/Unders, Step overs (right), Step overs (left), Step overs (alt.), Step overs (2 forward/1back), Cross Skipping over side (alt.), A2’s over side (right then left), B2’s over side (right then left)

III. Sprint Drills:(40m x 2 sets each) A2's, B2's, Butt Kicks, High Knees, Meanea’s(side A2’s), Fast leg, Accelerations.

IV. Med Ball Circuit A (2 sets each) Sit up partner throw x 20, Overhead backward throw x 10 Side partner exchange x 10, Underhand forward throw x 10, 5-position sit-up w/partner x 10 (each position)

V. General Endurance Circuit C:(30 sec on, 15 sec off, 60 sec rest after run) V-ups,100m run,Push-ups,200m run,skydivers,100m run,Bent knee–ups,200m run,Hip Extenders,100m Run,Sit-ups,200m Run,Crab-ups,100m Run,Alt. knee to chin,200m Run,Side Flex,100m Run,Push-ups,200m Run. Note: Do circuit one time. 100m run @75%â€Â