hamstring/college scouting

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hamstring/college scouting

Unread postby tikrapt » Mon Dec 04, 2006 12:07 am

two weeks ago i tore my hamstring. i rehabed it and went to vault again today and it wasnt good. first question- is there anything other than doing nothing at all to help a hamstring injury? other thing is that im a senior... i vaulted 12'6" as a jr but can probably jump 15'+ right now and have been looking at colleges and have them looking at me... problem is im injured and they want to see me. i have no official marks above 12'6" and word of mouth doesnt go to far im guessing. question is how late do i have to show off my skills if i want a scholarship somewhere? i would like to jump 16'+ maybe 17' in the outdoor season but thats obviously too late

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Unread postby tikrapt » Mon Dec 04, 2006 12:25 am

by the way... im serious about jumping 16' or 17' this year. im obviously not a known vaulter at all considering my best as a jr was 12'6" and i didnt even make the state meet. but hopefully my leg will heal up fast and ill be on here reading about myself quite a bit

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Unread postby SKOT » Mon Dec 04, 2006 12:44 am

The only thing that is going to heal your hamstring is the good ole' RICE protocol (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). Hamstring injuries can take a LONG time to completely heal. If you have a good athletic training staff at your HS, you should be working with them to remedy your problem as soon as possible.

As far as scholarships go, if you jump high, might find someone with money looking for a pole vaulter. There was a kid that was going to a rival college of mine until he won state and made finals in the 100m dash. A D1 school offered him a scholarship and he took it. Plus, scholarships are an annual thing. If you walk onto a school and do jump 16'/17' they could offer you money your sophomore year.

Your main goal right now should be to get COMPLETELY healthy! You could have time to prove yourself when outdoor rolls around!

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Unread postby ADTF Academy » Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:56 am

Maybe you should also look at your running mechanics.

obviously your doing something wrong that is putting extra stress on your hamstring. Rehab and rest protocol won't help that. Yes it will heal than guess what you start training again you will just rehurt the same injury.

You must look at the way you are running. Also look at the way your lifting.

Your mechanics are causing the injury. Simply put you must fix those issues. What those issues are I don't know cause I don't know you.

Do you have any video of you running. Sprinting i am not talking about pole vaulting I am talking about pure sprinting.

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Unread postby jcoover » Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:25 am

i jumped 16' early in my senior year outdoors and got recruited still by ucla, arizona, indiana and cal state fullerton. it was probably april or so... its not too late! get healthy and then go get em

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Unread postby tikrapt » Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:36 pm

well thanks for the advice guys

with my running... 99% sure i have no problems running... basically heres my problem... i have no running problems i just hate stretching. im guessing there are a lot of people out there like me who just hate stretching. i do it, but i obviously dont do it enough. learn from my mistake.... GO STRETCH A LOT! in a way this injury is maybe somewhat good for me cuz now im gonna stretch my a@@ off. injury occured in my jumping leg when i was taking off mostly because it was not stretched properly. now if i were reading this and someone else was in my place i'd be thinking "ah i hate stretching, but it wont happen to me" thats what i did think... but go freaking stretch people... being injured sucks. knowing you can do something (jump very very high) but not being able to show it off really really sucks.

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Unread postby ADTF Academy » Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:04 pm


how do you know you run correctly. Did you buddy tell you that you were fast so you must htink you run good.

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:04 pm

I think you need to be realistic about your goals. What makes you think you can improve 4'+ from last year's mark, especially with an injury?

Has your speed improved in a measurable way? Long jump PR? Pole vault technique? How many years were you vaulting before you jumped 12'6"?

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Unread postby LHSpolevault » Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:07 pm

rainbowgirl28 wrote:I think you need to be realistic about your goals. What makes you think you can improve 4'+ from last year's mark, especially with an injury?

Has your speed improved in a measurable way? Long jump PR? Pole vault technique? How many years were you vaulting before you jumped 12'6"?

i was just thinking that.. i remember my senior year i wanted to jump 15' with a prior PR of 12'6".. then i got hurt and couldn't touch a pole for the next 5 and a half months.

baby steps buddy.. baby steps.

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Unread postby tikrapt » Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:22 pm


a little faster
WAY stronger (really lifting this offseason)
500billion% increase in technique... before i got 12'6" holding 14'... basically did it all with strength and speed and no technique. my coach told me last year if i had even decent technique i could do way better.... now i have ahh i wouldnt say good yet... but i have decent technique and thats where most of my imporvment is.

just realized how i can prove technique is way better: last year my pr was 12'6" holding i believe 13'9". recently the jumping i have done is from 3 steps holding 11'9" and im clearing 13' that alone 2'6" better... move me back to a full run and thats even more. i really am being honest with my goals.

i've read/watched/seen things saying "pole vaulters are the best athletes". thats my life story... im a great athlete and am good at every sport i can think of (except bowling... but thats a different story) but im not GREAT at any... until pole vauling. im a great athlete and did it up to now with athleticism... now im throwing in some technique and i can be great at this sport. my look on pole vaulting (and you can debate me on this) is that you have to be athletic. you have to be strong, but you dont have to be able to throw a shot put 40 ft. you have to be fast, but you dont need to run a 11 second 100m. find some balance in there and you can pole vault decent. add some technique and there you go.

oh and running: im fast but i know i run good from what my coaches tell me (other than that i seem to bob my head and have the nickname bobblehead). plus my dad was a psycho sprinter in high school and college and i think he still holds some state records in PA so im guessing if i had any running issues he would eat me, then teach me how to run better

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:02 pm

tikrapt wrote:recently the jumping i have done is from 3 steps holding 11'9" and im clearing 13'

Over a bungee or a crossbar? It makes a big difference.

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Unread postby tikrapt » Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:36 pm

bungi but im not touching it at all which is why im saying clear it... sorry about not clarifying

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