Shoulder Impingement Syndrome...?

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Unread postby txpolevaulter33 » Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:02 pm

every time my dad trys to vault he complains about his shoulder and its because he is always so under with such a late plant, so i agree with every one else
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Unread postby belmore » Tue Feb 15, 2005 11:17 pm

I just have to wonder what other web page you can click on to and get advice from an Olympic Gold Medalist. Tim Mack, thanks, for the advice and for the fact that you take the time to help the vault community.
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Re: shoulder problems

Unread postby K_Rabbit » Wed Feb 16, 2005 3:07 am

tmack wrote:All I can say, since I cant watch you jump everyday, is to watch where the pole is on each left step of elite vaulters...i.e.markov, tarasov, bubka.

You should include yourself in that list.

It's amazing to know that you had this problem all last year but were still able to win an olympic gold medal. Thanks for the advice and i'll make sure try your suggestions.
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Unread postby MightyMouse » Sun Nov 13, 2005 2:17 pm

I just dug this thread up from the archive -hooray search tool-
My doctor just told me I had a strain in a muscle in my rotator cuff. :no:
Hes given me a referral for physical therapy and I start next week. I was wondering how long some of you had to take off before you could vault again? Im trying to get an idea of how badly my senior year will be impacted.
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Unread postby BrownVolvo » Mon Dec 26, 2005 4:29 am

I've had that happen to me even slide boxing. All I can say is to just wait it out. No slide box or any vaulting til your shoulder feels better. Try stretching your shoulders or do those arm rotations.

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shoulder pain

Unread postby maineswans » Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:08 pm

I too have been diagnosed with shoulder impingement; however, it was not caused by vaulting, but by a strength imbalance (too much front and not enough back). I've been working in the weight room on stronger abs, hips flexors, pecs, etc., and not enough time working the shoulders, and back. Also, while doing squats, my "hold" on the bar has been too narrow, thus putting torque on the shoulders and making the problem worse. The trainer suggested that I do some shoulder and back work on a stability ball, so I have been doing the shoulder pre-hab exercises from Mark Verstegen's "Core Performence". I noticed improvement after 2 weeks. Also switched to squats with a wider grip and once in a while with the bar/weight in front. PJS - Maine :heart:
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