question about stationary bike exercises

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question about stationary bike exercises

Unread postby pvjackex » Sat Aug 20, 2005 5:20 am

i am out for a month with a foot injury and i want to stay in shape. what is the best thing to do on a stationary bike? like there are different levels of resistance on mine, it goes from 1-20. how long do you guys ride it on what resistance?

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Unread postby scubastevesgirly » Sat Aug 20, 2005 12:20 pm

I would probably suggest you do a 'pickup' type workout if it doesn't bother your foot....5 min. w/u, then 10-15 mins of ons/offs...whether it's 1 min. hard/one min. easy, 30sec. hard, 1 minute easy... or something can decide that...then a nice 5-10 min. c/d.

As far as resistance, I rekon you should just gauge it to whatever challenges you w/o hurting.

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Unread postby CHC04Vault » Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:17 am

Stationary Bikes are Godsend when it comes to injuries. I usually do interval training on them, i warm up for 10 minutes with a resistance of 2, and then at 10, i go all out for 2 minutes, which resistance at 12, after 2 minutes rest for 2 and have my RPM's always above 90, then repeat till i have done it for 30 minutes to 2 hours. As for resistance, do w/e ur foot can do, i would recommend taping or wrapping your foot, seeing biking dosnt using a whole lot of range of motion.
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Unread postby bvpv07 » Sun Aug 21, 2005 2:42 pm

Well, first of all, what kind of a foot injury are you talking about?

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Unread postby pvjackex » Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:32 am

my trainer said i have a bruised heel. i felt no pain after a couple weeks so i vaulted on it but it swelled up so i stopped running on it for about a month.

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