Timing ibuprofen

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Unread postby ECVaulter » Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:04 am

you marines are beasts! :D
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Unread postby Vault&Flip » Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:13 am

USMC Vaulter wrote:I guess I'm the only person who doesnt take pain meds before/during any sports events. Basically - your body is in pain for a reason - its telling you that something is wrong. If you can work through the pain, then it wasnt so bad that you couldnt make it through the day - but if you cant make it through without taking the meds, then you shouldnt be vaulting - you're just going to damage things even more in the long run. I'm looking to still be an athlete into my 60's atleast - and vaulting 'through the pain' with the aid of drugs is not the way to do it.
With that said - I also probably have a higher pain tolerance than most....
Ever heard the saying 'pain is weakness leaving the body' ? - thats one of the retarded things us Marines believe/practice/preach.

If everyone had this outlook then there would be a lot of athletes, good athletes, that would have given up because there body told them to. Yes, the pain is there for a reason, but not everyone is lucky enough to enjoy the benefit of being consistantly injury free...if I didn't take advil on days that I vault..I would not be able to jump off the ground because my jump shin is so bad. It would be nice if we could all be athletes into our 60s, but I'm trying to do these things while I still can.

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Unread postby Robert schmitt » Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:40 am

USMC Vaulter wrote:I guess I'm the only person who doesnt take pain meds before/during any sports events. Basically - your body is in pain for a reason - its telling you that something is wrong. If you can work through the pain, then it wasnt so bad that you couldnt make it through the day - but if you cant make it through without taking the meds, then you shouldnt be vaulting - you're just going to damage things even more in the long run. I'm looking to still be an athlete into my 60's atleast - and vaulting 'through the pain' with the aid of drugs is not the way to do it.
With that said - I also probably have a higher pain tolerance than most....
Ever heard the saying 'pain is weakness leaving the body' ? - thats one of the retarded things us Marines believe/practice/preach.

I used to go through a 1000 count bottle of Ibuprofin every track season in college - it was great it allowed me to run right through the pain and right in to three consecutive years of stress fractures in my tibia. Listen to your body Juggle your trianing around so it's not so damaging to your body.
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Unread postby superchau88 » Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:50 am

i take one every six hours on the day of the meet and maybe an extra pill half hour before vaulting.

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Unread postby Aviendha » Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:08 pm

USMC Vaulter wrote:I guess I'm the only person who doesnt take pain meds before/during any sports events. Basically - your body is in pain for a reason - its telling you that something is wrong. If you can work through the pain, then it wasnt so bad that you couldnt make it through the day - but if you cant make it through without taking the meds, then you shouldnt be vaulting - you're just going to damage things even more in the long run. I'm looking to still be an athlete into my 60's atleast - and vaulting 'through the pain' with the aid of drugs is not the way to do it.
With that said - I also probably have a higher pain tolerance than most....
Ever heard the saying 'pain is weakness leaving the body' ? - thats one of the retarded things us Marines believe/practice/preach.

If I was taking IB because of an actual injury, I probably wouldn't vault.
But I have chronic knee pain, its a rare day when my knees don't hurt at all...usually its really mild, almost just a stiffness, but some days its really bad. I use bengay almost every practice, and IB at most meets as well.
In gymnastics, the doctor told me I had chronic tendonitis...and I think this is just leftover permanent annoyance from pushing through/dealing with that for 2 years.
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Unread postby VaulteRachello » Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:06 pm

Aviendha wrote:
USMC Vaulter wrote:I guess I'm the only person who doesnt take pain meds before/during any sports events. Basically - your body is in pain for a reason - its telling you that something is wrong. If you can work through the pain, then it wasnt so bad that you couldnt make it through the day - but if you cant make it through without taking the meds, then you shouldnt be vaulting - you're just going to damage things even more in the long run. I'm looking to still be an athlete into my 60's atleast - and vaulting 'through the pain' with the aid of drugs is not the way to do it.
With that said - I also probably have a higher pain tolerance than most....
Ever heard the saying 'pain is weakness leaving the body' ? - thats one of the retarded things us Marines believe/practice/preach.

If I was taking IB because of an actual injury, I probably wouldn't vault.
But I have chronic knee pain, its a rare day when my knees don't hurt at all...usually its really mild, almost just a stiffness, but some days its really bad. I use bengay almost every practice, and IB at most meets as well.
In gymnastics, the doctor told me I had chronic tendonitis...and I think this is just leftover permanent annoyance from pushing through/dealing with that for 2 years.

i have also heard that pain is an indicator and that if its bad enough that you need the meds, you shouldnt vault/run. i also have chronic knee and ankle problems and they will probably never go away, no matter what i do, so why endure pain that could be a distraction and cause another injury? I try not to take IB too much, so that i dont build up a tolerance or anything. Also IB is not only for comfort, but as an anti-inflammatory it actually helps prevent swelling and other complications.

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Unread postby USMC Vaulter » Sun May 01, 2005 6:29 am

VaulteRachello wrote:i have also heard that pain is an indicator and that if its bad enough that you need the meds, you shouldnt vault/run. i also have chronic knee and ankle problems and they will probably never go away, no matter what i do, so why endure pain that could be a distraction and cause another injury? I try not to take IB too much, so that i dont build up a tolerance or anything. Also IB is not only for comfort, but as an anti-inflammatory it actually helps prevent swelling and other complications.

I never said anything about inflamation - ibuprofin is an excellent anti-inflamatory, and while people build up tolerances to the pain relief effects of the drug, the anti inflamatory properties will always be working.

I'm not sure that I understand your statement 'why endure pain that could be a distraction and cause another injury?' - how can pain itself cause an injury? - and pain shouldnt be viewed as a 'distraction', the pain is your body telling yourself something is wrong, if it gets too bad, then you would back off and have to quit, which would PREVENT, not cause, injury.

I also have chronic pains in different areas of my body (motorcycle accident that shattered part of my leg - another accident in the Marines that broke my wrist in atleast 7 places - and a hand that was broken in multiple places as well - and thats not even getting into joint problems). The point is, I'm a pretty successful athlete and in pretty darn good physical shape - and I dont need pain meds to trick my body during workouts and competitions.

If its the end of the season, and a large meet that is really important, I can understand why people take the meds to get them through - but on a regular basis... you're just asking for more pain/damage/problems in the future.
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Unread postby VaulteRachello » Sun May 01, 2005 12:48 pm

everyone's got different pain tolerance etc. so whatever works

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Unread postby CHC04Vault » Sun May 01, 2005 6:28 pm

sports are to push and find the limitations of what a human can do, taking meds should only be done when the pain is more than just a lil distraction. not to mention ppl failed to mention IB thins the blood, so kinda pick ur poison.
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