Think your in shape? How do you pair up with the rest of us?

A forum to discuss overall training techniques, nutrition, injuries, etc. Discussion of actual pole vault technique should go in the Technique forum.
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Unread postby GirlPoleVaulter87 » Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:45 am

Age: 17
body fat: the healthy amount i think... i hope not too little
bench: 80 or 90
squat: i think ive done that before ... hehe
clean: never done that
snatch: nope
pull-ups: decent amount maybe 10
speed: slow. i've never run a race. I'm still learning how to run.
PR: 12'5 (soon to be 4 meters :P)
"Let's launch over it!"

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Unread postby Mecham » Fri Jan 07, 2005 4:02 am

mikepv1 wrote:Age: 9
Sex: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 130
Body Fat: 2%
Bench: 540
Squat: 735
Clean: 320
40m: 3.9 with two broken legs, carrying a pole, and pulling a schoolbus (really sucked when I tried to stop)
Pull-Ups: 75 with one arm while doing calculus homework with the other (in accelerated courses)
Pole Vault PR: 6'
High Jump PR: 25'
Tan: Brownish Gold
Hobbies: Outdoing Casanova (severe hormonal imbalance)
Bra Size: 90PPP (to support my massive pecs)
Dang.... Lucky...
Just you wait...

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