Injuries, anyone?

A forum to discuss overall training techniques, nutrition, injuries, etc. Discussion of actual pole vault technique should go in the Technique forum.
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Unread postby blazerunner121 » Thu Apr 29, 2004 10:35 pm

i never thought spiking oneself could be possble at the point of clearing a bar.

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Unread postby fong520 » Tue May 04, 2004 10:05 pm

not from pv but i got ina fight, got um pretty messed up. mad headaches adn all. got a catscan btu they said i was good and prob just had a mild concussion.. had to get stitches in my ear. and cant vault because of that.. also got suspended fro 2 days.. and not sure if im still on the track team nemore.
this sucks.
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Unread postby RoySloppy » Tue May 04, 2004 10:39 pm

dang you got a mild concussion from a fight? what did you hit your head on somethin after he hit you or was he huge and got a good shot on you? dang that sucks
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Unread postby vaulterpunk » Tue May 04, 2004 11:34 pm

i had a stress fracture in my left navicular that just broke through last monday. ended my season just before conference finals :no: this sucks
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Unread postby fong520 » Wed May 05, 2004 8:02 am

RoySloppy wrote:dang you got a mild concussion from a fight? what did you hit your head on somethin after he hit you or was he huge and got a good shot on you? dang that sucks

na not really.. hes like a little bigger than me.. its like were friends.. we were messin aroudn throwin s*** at each other atlunch . like fries and ketchup and pizza.. but everyone around us was making it a big deal, and i threw the pizza at his face. i knew he was pissed but i couldnt see him doing something like that. so i got up and like ran heh.. then i stopped adn he hit me in the back of my head and started wailing on me.. like on the temples adn stuff.. didnt get one face shot. well kinda like rihgt under the right temple kinda swollen but thats it. but ya by the the time i realized i got like one or 2 hits in this kid grabbed me adn the lunch mods ran to stop.. so ya it was more like a beating than a f ight. i couldnt liek sleep yesterday adn my neck hurts cause i could only sleep on my right side cause everything else hurts.. and when i open my jaw wide it hurts too.. wat really sucsk is i have a big meet on sat that only liek some varsity guys go to. afew of the good varsity rnt even going. adn i am and im only a soph. adn then monday is north division champs, and sun is champs. we were gonan score like 4 places with pv and i woulda helped my team alot at champs wit that. now we have 3 guys. and if they weigh them only 2. ...
o ya and if anyones onlien feel free to im me. im sooo bored
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Unread postby Lord of the Poles » Wed May 05, 2004 9:44 am

I have pulled a tendon from my hamstring or pulled a hyperextension... my doctor didn't really look like he knew much...only told me to rest up as the only solution... (of course)... my coach thought it was a hyperextension, the doc thinks it's a hamstring tendon... either way it's on the sides behind my right knee...that muscle...

been using tigerbalm a little on it.

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