Pole Vault Atlanta Fall I Training Begins: September 12, 2015

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PV Whiz
Posts: 199
Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:19 pm
Expertise: PV Coach, Club Owner (Pole Vault Atlanta, PV-ATL)
Lifetime Best: 14-6
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Bob Seagren
Location: Atlanta, GA USA

Pole Vault Atlanta Fall I Training Begins: September 12, 2015

Unread postby PV-ATL » Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:58 pm

Pole Vault Atlanta Fall I Training Begins: September 12, 2015

Pole Vault Atlanta (PV-ATL) will begin our Fall I Training Sessions for pole vaulters of all levels. Our first session for
Fall I will be: Saturday, Sept. 12 and Sunday Sept. 13, 10:00am, at Emory University's Track & Field Facility.

We have expanded our training days and our times for Fall I, 2015. We will now go on both days of every weekend (Saturdays & Sundays) and also on Wednesday nights, 6:00pm - 7:30pm beginning September 23.

We will offer two training groups for our Fall I Sessions on weekends to accomodate the large numbers of jumpers at this time of the year. This will ensure more "pit/runway" time for all interested jumpers. On Wednesday nights, training will be open to all jumpers, but Beginners must have attended two Weekend Sessions, since we are not staffed for Beginners on Wednesday evenings.

Fall always affords us some great weather. Now is the time to train, improve your technique, or learn this great event, even for the first time ( ...we specialize in beginners, so come on out and try...!). We train year-around, we have THREE pits and runways, and 200+ poles in our inventory. If you would like to get in some expert PV training for this Fall, 2015, please see our website for our training schedule and more information: http://www.pvatl.com.

Coaches are always welcome to attend our training sessions (...and, it's free for Coaches, too...)!



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