High Flying Hot Dog Street Vault, Saturday July 25th, 2015
Frankfort Main Street, 301 East Clinton Street, Frankfort, IN 46041 Map: https://goo.gl/maps/CaXa8
Sponsored by Richey Athletics, the 2nd Annual pole vault competition with a fun festival atmosphere.
Runway opens at 9:00AM with vaulting to start at 10:00AM.
We will host 3 divisions in this order: Women, Elite (14′ and above), Men.
Come join us for this event!”
Please download Application. Thanks!
High Flying Hot Dog Street Vault Registration: http://frankfortmainstreet.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/High-Flying-Hot-Dog-Street-Vault-Registration-4.pdf
You can also sign-up online, and just bring your completed application with you the day of the event: http://www.polevaultmeets.com/pvm1501.html
High Flying Hot Dog Street Vault, Saturday July 25th
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