Pole Vault Atlanta Spring I Training Begins February 28 , 2015!!
Pole Vault Atlanta (PV-ATL) will begin our Spring I Training Sessions for pole vaulters of all levels. Our first session for
Spring I will be: Saturday, February 28, 3:00pm - 5:00pm and Sunday, March 1, 11:00am - 2:00pm, at Emory University in Atlanta, GA.
We will continue our training for Spring I at three days a week. We will go on weekends (Saturdays & Sundays) and Monday evenings under the Emory lights, from 6:00pm - 7:30pm.
Please check the online training schedule. Weekday practices will be on MONDAYS, 6:00pm – 7:30pm. This change is made every Outdoor Season because there are so many meets on Wednesdays. Meets on Mondays are rare, so Monday is a much better training day.
We will also change Saturday practice times to 3:00pm – 5:00pm, beginning Feb. 28. This will allow athletes and coaches to attend Saturday meets and then come to practice later in the day.
We will continue to offer two training groups for our Spring I Sessions on weekends to accomodate the large numbers of jumpers at this time of the year. This will ensure more "pit/runway" time for all interested jumpers. Please see the schedule page of our website: http://www.pvatl.com, for details.
It may be cold out there, but for us it is now Outdoor Track Season!. Now is the time to train, improve your technique, or learn this great event, even for the first time ( ...we specialize in beginners, so come on out and try...!). We train year-around, we have three pits and runways, and 200+ poles in our inventory. If you would like to get in some expert PV training for this Spring, 2015, please see our website for our training schedule and more information: http://www.pvatl.com.
Pole Vault Atlanta continues at Emory University! This is an exciting relationship that we have with Emory. We now have added our third pit and runway!! Now we have three (3) pits and runways, lights for night jumping and a state of the art track & field training facility.
Coaches are always welcome to attend our training sessions (...and, it's free for Coaches, too...)!
Pole Vault Atlanta Spring I Training Begins Feb. 28 , 2015!!
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