August 1-3, 2014 (On The Beach, Seaside Heights, NJ)
-Vertical Adventures' "Jersey Jumps" Beach Vault
The World's Biggest & Best Beach Vault is back for a 6th annual edition!
Last year's event hosted 332 Vaulters "On The Beach" in Seaside Heights, NJ.
That's Right......Seaside Heights Is BACK & Better Than Ever!
This USATF sanctioned 3-day event features many of the BEST High School,
College, Open, Elite & Masters Vaulters in the nation!
*Once Again In 2014, Prize Money For The Women's Elite Division!
$1000 1st Place / $500 2nd Place / $250 3rd Place
**(Elite Woman with a PR of 13'6" or higher, Contact Mike ASAP To Compete)**
Join Our Beach Vault Host, NBC Sports Announcer and USATF Hall of
Famer, Dwight Stones for a Weekend You'll Never Forget!
You Can Also Expect several "Special Guest Star" Elite Vaulters to appear!
This event features 3 Runways, with Awards for the Top Three in each Division!
For 2014, we've added Divisions & made each Division smaller, to allow for
More Vaulting and Greater Competitions!
After your competition, stick around to Swim and enjoy our DJ, spinning the
Best Music at the Jersey Shore!
To Register, visit our website at & click on Forms
***Beach Vault Flyer/Entry Form Available NOW on our website!***
HURRY: Registration Fee Increase July 22. ALL Entries MUST BE MAILED with Payment!
If you require more info, please e-mail Co-Meet Director Mike Pascuzzo
Jersey Jumps Beach Vault 2014 (August 1-3)-HURRY!
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