Vertical Adventures Pole Vault Sessions/Clinics-Winter 2014

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PV Whiz
Posts: 149
Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:07 pm
Expertise: High School Coach
Lifetime Best: 12'6"
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Wladyslaw Kozakiewicz

Vertical Adventures Pole Vault Sessions/Clinics-Winter 2014

Unread postby MPScooze » Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:29 pm

Hi Guys,
If you are in need of Pole Vault or High Jump Coaching and/or need an Indoor place to practice this Winter,
the 18th Annual Vertical Adventures "Vertical Club" offers the BEST coaching in BOTH events! Our instructors
are the most successful in the area and these sessions WILL fill up fast!
Our Pole Vault Coach, Nick Tyson, is widely regarded as one of the BEST young coaches in the USA. He's
coached the last THREE NJ Meet of Champions winners, as well as several high school All-Americans!
Our High Jump Coach is Mike Pascuzzo, a 16 year World-Class & Professional High Jumper who's coached
104 State Champions from 13 states. Mike's athletes have competed in State, National & International
Championships, including the Olympics!
Time is short and we've already started our sessions, so to register, visit our website ASAP to print out the
Entry Form and view our Winter 2014 schedule!
*Please note that the Monday sessions on the schedule will be activated ONLY after the Sundays & Tuesdays
have filled up! E-mail Mike Pascuzzo at for available dates/times.
Our website is:

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