A forum to post announcements about clubs, camps, or competitions. Old posts are moved to the appropriate regional forum below. This is also a forum where I make announcements regarding All other posts in this forum will be deleted. Please read the descriptions of the forums below, if your post is not a club/camp/competition, it does not belong in this forum.
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Unread postby RPVA03 » Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:48 am

I'm not going to lie, if the spam doesn't get controlled on this site, I may stop visiting completely. I already barely come on here because of it. This is just getting ridiculous!

PV Whiz
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Unread postby PV2020 » Mon Jul 22, 2013 3:17 pm

Yeah, I was going to say the same thing...

It has gotten way out of hand and there is no reason for it. I know Becca is a busy person and has kids and a family, but there have been numerous people on the board that have said they are more than willing to help, and I am sure there are a ton of people that know enough about computers on here to get rid of the SPAM. Crappy message boards like LetsRun do not even make you register and they do not have any spam.

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