SIGN UP NOW 3 Rivers Festival Street Vault

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Vault High Athletics
PV Whiz
Posts: 163
Joined: Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:42 am
Location: Fort Wayne Indiana

SIGN UP NOW 3 Rivers Festival Street Vault

Unread postby Vault High Athletics » Sun Jul 07, 2013 6:51 pm

Only 2more weeks till the 9th annual Three Rivers Festival street pole vault!!! On Saturday July 20th 2013 Vault High Athletics will be hosting the 9th annual Street pole vault at our New venue Freimann Square which is located off of Clinton Street right in the middle of the festival. There will be medals for 1st,2nd and 3rd in all divisions. We will raffle off a brand new UCS vaulting pole along with T-shirts. The event will start at 9:30am and is open to beginners, masters, high school, college and elite male and female vaulters. Be part of this years fun and prizes!!! For more information or to sign up go to or call Paul Babits at 260-637-8209.

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