Want to be on our next video/DVD?
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 2:27 pm
To all vaulters:
In collaboration with Sean Brown, Brian Yokoyama, Giovanni Lanaro, Amy Linnen and other players as yet to be determined, we will be working on a sequel to Vault 2000.
We hope to make it more informative but also entertaining.
I would like to include a section on video analysis of vaulters.
If you are interested in being a part of our new video, want your vault analyzed for all to see, and want your 15 minutes of fame, we want you to send us your vault video footage for full technical analysis.
I don't think Vault 2000 had anything to do with the success of vaulters shown in the Common Errors section. However, April Steiner and John Takahashi, both elite vaulters had been featured in this section in Vault 2000. Now look where they are!!!
If chosen and featured in the new video, you will receive the new DVD when it is released.
To participate please do the following:
1. Send a picture of yourself.
2. I need the following information: your name and birthdate, your personal best, your address and contact information, the size and length of poles that you are on in the videos, where your typical hand grip is (ranges will do), and the biggest pole that you've been on, your height and weight, where you are from and whom you are vaulting for. Provide any other information that you want on the video about yourself or perhaps your vault club or school as well.
3. The video must be in the best quality possible on miniDV tape format only and it may be in high definition. Multiple shots and vault footage are welcome.
4. This information, as well as a release must be signed if chosen for the new video.
5. The miniDV tapes and requested information may be either given to me at the upcoming Pole Vault Summit, or mailed to the following address:
Spencer Chang, MD
Bone and Joint Center at Straub
888 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
6. All tapes provided to me unfortunately will be kept. So don't expect to get them back. If we have enough footage, I will let PVP know. The video sent to me will be regarded as footage that I own and have the rights to use in the next video. You may expect that constructive criticism will be done regarding the footage. However, this will not be like the movie Borat and it is not our intention to humiliate or make fun of anyone. The purpose of this video is to hopefully help vaulters and their coaches with learning more about the pole vault and helping our vaulters get to the next level.
7. Unfortunately, at this time there will be no compensation for videos selected. We want you to know that all of the proceed from this video will go to USATF pole vault development, to especially help our emerging elite. I particularly do not expect to make any money from this new video. On the otherhand, it will take a lot of time and loss of money on my part to make it.
Thanks for your interest!!!
In collaboration with Sean Brown, Brian Yokoyama, Giovanni Lanaro, Amy Linnen and other players as yet to be determined, we will be working on a sequel to Vault 2000.
We hope to make it more informative but also entertaining.
I would like to include a section on video analysis of vaulters.
If you are interested in being a part of our new video, want your vault analyzed for all to see, and want your 15 minutes of fame, we want you to send us your vault video footage for full technical analysis.
I don't think Vault 2000 had anything to do with the success of vaulters shown in the Common Errors section. However, April Steiner and John Takahashi, both elite vaulters had been featured in this section in Vault 2000. Now look where they are!!!
If chosen and featured in the new video, you will receive the new DVD when it is released.
To participate please do the following:
1. Send a picture of yourself.
2. I need the following information: your name and birthdate, your personal best, your address and contact information, the size and length of poles that you are on in the videos, where your typical hand grip is (ranges will do), and the biggest pole that you've been on, your height and weight, where you are from and whom you are vaulting for. Provide any other information that you want on the video about yourself or perhaps your vault club or school as well.
3. The video must be in the best quality possible on miniDV tape format only and it may be in high definition. Multiple shots and vault footage are welcome.
4. This information, as well as a release must be signed if chosen for the new video.
5. The miniDV tapes and requested information may be either given to me at the upcoming Pole Vault Summit, or mailed to the following address:
Spencer Chang, MD
Bone and Joint Center at Straub
888 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
6. All tapes provided to me unfortunately will be kept. So don't expect to get them back. If we have enough footage, I will let PVP know. The video sent to me will be regarded as footage that I own and have the rights to use in the next video. You may expect that constructive criticism will be done regarding the footage. However, this will not be like the movie Borat and it is not our intention to humiliate or make fun of anyone. The purpose of this video is to hopefully help vaulters and their coaches with learning more about the pole vault and helping our vaulters get to the next level.
7. Unfortunately, at this time there will be no compensation for videos selected. We want you to know that all of the proceed from this video will go to USATF pole vault development, to especially help our emerging elite. I particularly do not expect to make any money from this new video. On the otherhand, it will take a lot of time and loss of money on my part to make it.
Thanks for your interest!!!