Thanksgiving PV Clinic at New Heights Gym

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PV Wannabe
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Thanksgiving PV Clinic at New Heights Gym

Unread postby FLY-NHG » Tue Nov 17, 2015 5:11 pm

Thanksgiving Pole Vault Clinic
Join us as we continue to Fly High and Reach New Heights with our state of the art pole vault facility! Get ready for Indoor Season as you train in our facility that includes two indoor pits with mondo runways and soft boxes, an outdoor pit with a mondo runway, a sand pit, an assortment of gymnastics equipment, a vault machine, a rope, hurdles, and various weights and lifting equipment! New Heights Gym is hosting its 6th annual Thanksgiving Pole Vaulting Clinic with guest collegiate pole vault coaches Aaron James from University of South Alabama and Devin Rodriguez from University of Alabama. Your host coach from New Heights Gym is Shane LeLeux.

This clinic provides a great opportunity and environment for vaulters to jump indoors, be introduced to correct vaulting techniques and gymnastics, and work with and be seen by recruiting collegiate coaches. The coaches will discuss technique, vault drills, strength, and flexibility, and how to match the correct run, pole, and grip height to each vaulter’s ability.

We will have a selection of poles on hand; but if the vaulter has access to poles, please bring them to the clinic. ¼ Pyramid Spikes only!!!

The clinic will be broken up into three sessions:

Day 1 – Friday, November 28

4:00 PM Pole Vault Competition

Day 2 – Saturday, November 29

9:00AM – Noon Morning Vault Session

Noon – 1:00PM Lunch

1:00PM – 6:00PM Afternoon Vault Session

6:00PM – 7:00PM Summary Discussion

7:00PM Dinner

Day 3 – Sunday, November 30

10:00AM – 1:00PM Final Vault Session

The cost for the clinic is $150/person. All vaulters must have current USATF membership. The Registration Deadline is November 24. We also collect $50 for food, drinks, and snacks. For those not attending the clinic but want to jump, Friday Competition Only is $40.

For more information, contact Shane LeLeux at 337-359-7314 or 337-365-3806.
What U do on the ground predicts what U do in the air

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