AVC Freedom Vault July 4th

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AVC Coach
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Posts: 1386
Joined: Fri May 23, 2003 9:21 am
Expertise: Former College Vaulter, Current Coach (All levels)
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Miah Sanders
Location: Black Springs, Arkansas

AVC Freedom Vault July 4th

Unread postby AVC Coach » Mon Jun 15, 2015 6:23 pm

I want to welcome everyone to our July 4th Freedom Vault. Our plan is to host this meet at our outdoor facility, weather permitting. We have the flexibility to move it indoors if we need to so no matter what, the meet will go on!

Our meet is divided into divisions based on skill levels, not age. We award medals to the top 3 in each division (very nice medals) and meet tees to all athletes competing. This is a USATF sanctioned event. Check out our website for all of the details. Contact me if you need info on places to stay. I have a few connections with cabin rentals if you like that kind of stuff.


Hope to see you here,


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