Halloween Pole Vault at Kennesaw State University

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Halloween Pole Vault at Kennesaw State University

Unread postby KennesawState » Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:25 am

Good Morning!
The Kennesaw State Track and Field family hopes that fall training and fall semester are going well for you and your team. Today, we would like to tell you about an opportunity for you or your pole vaulters to jump and raise some money for charity coming up on Saturday October 25th!
The OWL-O-Ween Costume Pole Vault Exhibition is a fundraiser for the Golden Soldiers Charity. Golden Soldiers is a faith based nonprofit charity that provides activities, support, and education for children with developmental disabilities and their families. You can find out more about Golden Soldiers at their website:
The Owl-O-Ween Costume Pole Vault Exhibition is also a rare opportunity for your pole vaulters and Combined Event Athletes to jump with other vaulters in an exhibition setting in the fall! It will be run according to standard NCAA rules and procedures but will not be an officially scored event. More information on the event and registration can be found at the event’s website:
The Kennesaw State Owl pole vaulters are coached by Robbie Robertson. Coach Robertson coached 18 State Champions in high school in Georgia, as well as preparing many athletes for careers in the SEC and ACC. He was also the associate coach for pole vault for the United State Olympic Team in 1996.
We welcome you and your athletes to join the Kennesaw State Owls Track and Field program for Owl-O-Ween, have a great chance to jump in the fall, and help a charity out!
Hope to see you there!

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