4th Annual Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest

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PV Wannabe
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:40 am
Expertise: former collegiate vaulter, High School coach
Lifetime Best: 4.96m
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie

4th Annual Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest

Unread postby nchsvaultcoach496 » Sat May 24, 2014 4:14 pm

The date has been set for the 4th Annual Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest-
When: Friday, July 25th 2014
Where: Naperville Central HS in Naperville, Illinois (West suburb of Chicago)
Who: EVERYONE! New vaulters, current vaulters, "retired" vaulters
Cost: $15 entry fee + $2 extra jumps

As in the past we will run 2 pits with multiple flights- flights TBD until later time/date
Pass on the info to anyone you think may be interested!

More info @- https://www.facebook.com/events/746609085385988 / Or search us on Facebook- "Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest"

Any questions email me @ sstack@naperville203.org or Twitter @NCHSBoysXCTF

Steve Stack
NCHS Boy's PV/HJ Coach

PV Wannabe
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:40 am
Expertise: former collegiate vaulter, High School coach
Lifetime Best: 4.96m
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie

Re: 4th Annual Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest

Unread postby nchsvaultcoach496 » Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:32 am

We are 22 days away! All the information needed is in this post! All you need to do is copy and paste into a Word Document! We are looking forward to setting a record in turn out this year! Happy Vaulting- Remember the Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest on July 25th at 4:00

When: Friday July 25th, 2014
Where: Naperville Central High School
Memorial Stadium
440 Aurora Rd
Naperville, IL 60540

-Cost: $15 (for $2 you may purchase an extra attempt at each height)
-T-Shirts and refreshments available for purchase (until sold out) and awarded to the top boy and girl in each flight!!
- Raffle tickets will be sold and prizes handed out throughout the night!

Registration: 3:30-5:00

Open warm-ups for all vaulters at 4:00 pm
Competition starts at 5:00 pm

For more information:
Contact Steve Stack (Boy’s PV Coach at NCHS)- sstack@naperville203.org
Find Us on Facebook by searching- Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest!!

*There will be two PV pits available- Flights, starting times, and starting heights are subject to change based on the number of entrants*
**Poles available to borrow based on a strict “you break it, you buy it” policy**

Name (print clearly!)__________________________________________________
City_________________ State_____ Zip_________
Email (print clearly!)_______________________________________________
Age (day of the meet): 11-13 14-18 18-22 23+
Personal best in competition: _______________
A possible starting height for you: _______________
Vaulter Weight (if you intend on borrowing poles) _________

Please bring to a completed registration and entry fee on July 25th

For more information please contact:
Steve Stack @ sstack@naperville203.org or call at 224-305-4220

Parental consent/participation waiver: *Athletes under 18 years old must submit this waiver with a parent signature if they wish to compete* PLEASE READ, THEN SIGN
I hereby grant permission for my child to attend the Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest. I verify that my child has had a physical exam in the past year and is capable to participate in the activities related to the clinic. I realize that some of these events are potentially dangerous activities that can result in serious injury, paralysis, and even death. I agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Naperville Central High School and those running this event from any liability and negligence for injury to my child, as well as any injury caused by my child. By signing this sheet you are verifying that you will only borrow poles that are labeled at or below your weight. Signing this sheet also verifies that you are accepting full responsibility for any injury or accident that may occur while using a Naperville Central High School pole and that the school or event coordinators are not liable for such injury or accident. You are also accepting full responsibility of the cost of the pole if it is broken or cracked or in any other way made unsafe to continue using while you are using it.

Participant Signature ____________________________________________________ Date ________

Parental Signature(if under 18)* ______________________________________________ Date _________
*Single Parental Signature implies consent for both parents and/or legal guardians.

PV Wannabe
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:40 am
Expertise: former collegiate vaulter, High School coach
Lifetime Best: 4.96m
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie

Re: 4th Annual Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest

Unread postby nchsvaultcoach496 » Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:35 am

Thank you all who came out to last Friday's Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest- it was our best year yet, both in numbers and performances! We had 46 vaulters and 15 PRs or Tied PRs! Good luck to all vaulters in their upcoming seasons and I look forward to seeing everyone and more back next year on Friday, July 24 2015!

Thank you to our sponsors:
Naperville Running Company
NICU Solutions
HK Renovations
The Athletic Equipment Source
S&R Monogramming
Turner Pain and Wellness

Couldn't do it without these great businesses and people's support!

Here is a link to pictures from the Vaultfest, enjoy!- https://redhawktwilightvaultfest.shutterfly.com/

Steve Stack
NCHS Vault coach

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