Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest- Naperville, IL

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PV Wannabe
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:40 am
Expertise: former collegiate vaulter, High School coach
Lifetime Best: 4.96m
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie

Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest- Naperville, IL

Unread postby nchsvaultcoach496 » Sat Jun 15, 2013 3:20 pm

It's time again for the 3rd Annual Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest! This is a PV meet in Naperville, IL which is in the West Suburbs of Chicago. Here is some basic information, otherwise check us out on Facebook: ... ts&fref=ts


-Cost: $15 (for $2 you may purchase an extra attempt at each height)
-T-Shirts and refreshments available for purchase (until sold out) and awarded to the top boy and girl in each flight!!

I am currently working to create an Elite Flight that will be USATF Sanctioned! I will keep everyone updated as we go through this process for the first time!

Registration: 3:30-5:00

Open vaulting for all vaulters at 4:00 pm on Pit B

Flight A: 5:00pm- starting height 7’ (on Pit B)

Flight B: Immediately after Flight A is complete (approx. 6:30 pm)- starting height 10’
- Warm-up time will be limited between flights, plan on being ready to jump!
Flight C: Immediately after Elite Flight (approx. 5:30pm on Pit A)- starting height 12’
- Warm-up time will be limited between flights, a small break may be taken at 14’ for warm ups for those coming in at higher bars

*There will be two PV pits available- Flights, starting times, and starting heights are subject to change based on the number of entrants*
**Poles available to borrow based on a “you break it, you buy it” policy**

Registration will be available at the meet but if you are interested please private message me with your email and I will get one sent out to you! Thank you all for your interest and I am really looking forward to another great meet!

-Steve Stack
PV Coach @ Naperville Central HS

PV Wannabe
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:40 am
Expertise: former collegiate vaulter, High School coach
Lifetime Best: 4.96m
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie

Re: Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest- Naperville, IL

Unread postby nchsvaultcoach496 » Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:56 pm

18 days until the Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest! We've received some great feedback so far!

**Change**- We will not have a USATF Sanctioned Elite flight. It is something we will be working on to have in the future. We will still have an Elite flight with a bar starting around 15'+ for any and all vaulters interested!

-Happy Vaulting
Steve Stack

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PV Pro
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Expertise: High School Coach, Former College Vaulter
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Favorite Vaulter: Derek Miles
Location: Elmwood Park, IL

Re: Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest- Naperville, IL

Unread postby patybobady » Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:54 pm

Elmwood Park, Maine South, Lane Tech, OPRF and York looking to represent and have fun!
Fight the good fight: It's nice to be great but it's far greater to be nice.

PV Wannabe
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:40 am
Expertise: former collegiate vaulter, High School coach
Lifetime Best: 4.96m
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie

Re: Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest- Naperville, IL

Unread postby nchsvaultcoach496 » Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:49 pm

As we say at NCHS- it's Redhawk Weather. The plan is to run the meet! So far the map is looking clear for our start and maybe a little wet throughout but keep your "no-rain" dances going folks! Hopefully see you all soon!

PV Wannabe
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:40 am
Expertise: former collegiate vaulter, High School coach
Lifetime Best: 4.96m
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie

Re: Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest- Naperville, IL

Unread postby nchsvaultcoach496 » Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:52 pm

Vaulters and Friends-

I would like to start by saying thank you for participating in the 3rd Annual Redhawk Twilight Vaultfest. We came out and challenged the weather and almost walked away dry by the end of the night! Unfortunately, the rain did come and we had to call the meet before everyone could get a chance to PR. We had a record turn out this year- 45 competitors! Attached to this email are the results from the meet for all those interested- we had 12 PR or Tied PR performances- Congrats to all of you especially! If you notice any errors in the results or any missed PRs please let me know! Also, I will try and post pictures from the meet on our Facebook page sometime this week you can check them out at .

I would also like to take a moment to thank everyone who helped us run the meet-

To those who helped run pits and move standards- Steve, Eric, Kristen, Brock, Kevin, Kevin, Jake, Barb, and Greg!

To Steve Wiesbrook and Andy Lutzenkirchen- The Boy’s Track and Field Head Coach and AD at Central

To our awesome and amazing sponsors who help make this event possible, without your support we couldn’t do it!
- Sue and Rick @ S&R Monogramming
- Kris @ Naperville Running Company
- Michael @ The Athletic Equipment Source
- Linda @ NICU Solutions
- Dr. Turner @ Turner Pain and Wellness Center
- Bill @ KH Renovations

Thank you all again and look for us on Facebook, and from me for next year’s meet at the end of July next year!!

-Steve Stack
PV Coach- Naperville Central HS

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