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Another PR

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 10:39 pm
by Cooleo111
I won my NJ Group 3 title today with a PR and school record of 14'4"...Here are some of my jumps, let me know what you think!
I'm 5'10" 138 lbs. and all the jumps are holding at 13'3" on a 14'3" 165 Altius.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 11:10 pm
by vault3rb0y
very, very solid jumps!! Honestly the only thing i could see seems like you might be starting the swing a touch early, and your arms are coming behind your head which is good, but try to hold that a little long before you swing, it will lod the pole a little more and let you get on some bigger ones. AWESOME JUMPS!!

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 11:42 pm
by fx
Are your standards buried? If they are, next pole. Your peak height is far behind where the bar is.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 12:05 am
by Cooleo111
They are usually buried on this pole but it was raining and they were at about 22 or 23. But yea I probably could have played with them a little bit.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 1:15 am
by theczar
the only things i see are that you carry your pole with your right hand behind your body before you plant, your trail leg collapses, and you need to come off the top faster and release.

but everything else is knee, swing, invert, and finish are great (exept for holding on too long)

work on speed and get on some bigger poles and get up there!