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How many total jumps should you take?

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 3:31 pm
by OUvaulterUSAF
In competition? I ran out of gas at a meet on Saturday. I did come in at opening b/c these early meets I use as practice and get as many jumps in as possible. But what is the average range of competition jumps you should take? I took 8 and was exhausted.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 3:36 pm
by VaultMarq26
I have always started 2 height below my about a foot below.....that way you get one easy height that is relativly easy but you can't just go through the motions, a jump at your PR (or a couple inches below it depending on what height the starting was) where you need to put it all together, then you have only had 4 or 5 jumps before attempting a new height.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 6:51 pm
by Ming3r
I start 3 heights below...mostly because since I don't get to vault often during practice (no indoor pit...meh) it means that I'm a bit shaky and need to just refresh my mind...

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 9:15 pm
i remember hearing somewhere that youre 4th and 5th jump are suposed to be your best.

# of jumps....

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 9:58 pm
by baggettpv
You gotta figure it out in practice.
When you are working from a long run, set up the goal of the practice to cycle thru a competition session like:
1 @ pr - 12"
1 @ pr - 6"
1 @ pr
1 @ pr + 6"
1 @ pr +12"
High intenesity, cycle thru 3 times...
always have a goal and always be able to measure your success.


Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:12 pm
by ADTF Academy
Very good point!

I would also look at your training in general. How much speed endurance did you do in the late fall. You might have a conditioning problem. Though jumps 4-6 are physcologically suppose to be your best jumps it will depend on the individual. Some jump better after the have more jumps around 6-9 as they loosen up. 8 approaches of lets say a 120 feet full run is not that much. That is only 8x37m accelerations with probably well over full recovery rest inbetween. What were you doing inbetween jumps? Did you sit down and rest or where you moving around and doing other things?

If you didn't do anything else between jumps, my guess would be you are either expending to much energy on your pole carry and plant or you need to improve your overall conditioning. Get off the runway and do some workouts that work on your work capacity. Go out do a little jogging so your body can learn to recovery quicker. You shouldn't be burned out on only 8 jumps. Who knows you it might have been as simple as you were emotionally drained because it was an early meet.

Baggett's post would also be a great workout to improve work capacity and confidence when coming in at those heights during a meet.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 3:53 pm
by MightyMouse
PVEI says its your either your 5th 6th 7th - 6th 7th 8th or your 7th 8th and 9th jumps that are your peak vaults and you should just try to find which set works. That hasnt worked all the time for me but its a good starting point.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:11 pm
by Robert schmitt
I believe you are vaulting for "fun" like me. I don't train consistantly.... I find I have three good jumps after I warm-up. I usually open up 6" below my target mark. The biggest problem is staying lose between vaults.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:58 pm
by ADTF Academy
Oh yeah I forgot to ask how many jumps did you make during your warmups. Did you run through like 10 times. Cause if that is the case then you took 18 jumps not 8

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 10:06 pm
by OUvaulterUSAF
Not including the 4 "pop-ups" from 35 and 47 ft (3 & 4 lefts). I took 4 warm-up jumps. All I do is conditioning and I don't vault during the week b/c of my situation. I only vault at meets. I think maybe I should have rested a little longer when there were only 2 competitors left. But the reason for this post was I wanted to know what the average number of competition jumps were so next time I can plan accordingly.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:30 pm
by ashcraftpv
Ideally, when I was in shape, I planned on taking anywhere from 6 to 8 jumps in a comp, depending on what I was trying to accomplish that day.

Now that I'ma weekend warrior like Robert, I'm good for about 3-4 warm up jumps and 3-4 competition jumps if i'm running from 6 lefts. If i've been training some, i can eke out 5 or 6 jump in comp before my tiredness starts to affect my technique.

I usually come in pretty low so I don't have to work too hard and get a nice easy clear under my belt. I'll then pass a height or two and start getting serious.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:22 pm
by yasso_polevoult
my p r is 3.10 in the last season how many jump i could do &what heigh i hv to star jumping in the match could some one help me